[quote]Free2Be wrote:
Checked everyone’s profile and you guys are all fairly small and probably not that advanced.
Don’t get caught up in sweating the small stuff, spend more time training hard and eating big! Use the same exercises over and over and over until you become very strong in those exercises. When you are not progressing you take a down week and come back stronger!
This is my advice, I don’t know everything, but that is pretty basic advice.
Flame away if you like…I don’t care.[/quote]
Lol I won’t flame or anything, but I think you’re missing the point when you assume that the rest of us are missing the point in “sweating the small stuff”. Just because we are discussing trivial stuff such as napping after lifting does not mean that we aren’t “training hard and eating big”. If all people ever discussed on these forums was “training hard and eating big” just because they are “fairly small and probably not that advanced”, then there would only be a need for One Forum and One Thread. The One Thread would henceforth be titled “Training Hard and Eating Big”, and that’s all we’d ever need talk about until we’re “advanced”, if we even ever reach that stage.
Yea ok, so my point is that sometimes these inconsequential discussions are just to add variety to the discussion and allow people an avenue to voice some trivial thoughts that may have occurred to them and that they find a little interesting, even if not completely earth-shattering. I’m sure most of the people here still have their basics right. But thanks anyway for your sound advice.