Side effects post cycle

I haven’t seen much info here on issues relating to mood post cycle. Has anyone experienced any negative mood swings, depression, etc or has anyone had any anxiety related to clomid use?

My wife says I’m moody on Clomid, and I agree. I imagine this is what PMS is like, but it’s not that bad.

I can’t relate to post cycle quite yet but I have noticed that now that my cycle has come to it’s end my mood has changed a bit. I was pretty much fine all seven weeks and then on week 8 kinda lost it a few times. Hey warhorse do you think/know if taking hot-rox/red-kat would be good for counteracting the moodyness. I was mildly considering some xanax also.

i have the same type of depression symptoms post cycle. i think its a combo of the clomid and a reduction in test levels. it always passes

I’m doing some andro gel for a month after the cycle along with the clomid then clomid just by itself. Has anyone tried that?

drag0n252pi: There is no use in taking clomid if you are going to use androjel. unless you are taking it to block estrogeon.
Androgel will do nothing for you in way of recovery, just prolong it. This drug was designed as hormone replacement for mostly older men going through “manopause” and suffering from insufficcient hormone levels. Hence it is called “hormone replacement therapy” and does nothing for helping you to recover your own natural test production.
However some people don’t go off ala “the Never Ending Cycle” So I am not sure what your intentions are here

Actually there’s plenty of data supporting the idea that one can use an estrogen antagonist or an aromatase inhibitor and small amounts of exogenous androgens (e.g., Androgel) concurrently and no LH suppression will occur. They were even able to demonstrate it with other androgens. I go over this as well as the studies in detail in my column of the very next print issue of Testosterone, which I believe should be available soon.

Personally, I find Andriol + Primobolan post-cycle to be the best protocol to use with Clomid.

I just felt like a total bitch a couple days ago. Can’t believe I’m even using that term, but I felt like I was getting fat and shrinking and really, really crabby. I probably would have watched Oprah and ate a carton of bon-bons had I not been able to get a grip.

Wideguy -Hot Rox boosts mood in some people, so it might help, otherwise just gut it out. Eitherway, HotRox is good post cycle. Never tried RedKAt, but anything that boosts Test usually helps with mood.

Prisoner, as far as Androgel, Cy covered that in his Steroids for Health 2003 and I believe he had a couple refs supporting his thesis.

Cy: Good to see you here!

hi warhorse
“I felt like I was getting fat and shrinking and really, really crabby”

have you really lost lbm and added some fat post cycle? if memory serves, weren’t you on a anabolic based cycle?

if you have lost lbm do you feel it’s due to post cycle protocol? i.e change in diet or workout? thanks in advance.

Nah, I’ve lost some weight, but I’m still up about 12 out of 15 or so lbs and bodyfat is still less than when I started. Part of the weight I lost was water, I was using EQ which aromatizes and not using an anti-E. (Next time I’ll use Adex throughout.)

Strength is holding steady. For example, before I started I was benching 300, I got up to 350 and now I’ve been holding steady at 330 since the cycle ended.

I’m running Clomid/Nolva, and Methoxy right now. I’ll post final results after I’m a couple months post on the Lean Mass Stack thread. I’m pretty sure I’ll keep just about everything I have right now, but I want to wait until I’m off everything for a couple weeks to say for certain.

Oh yeah, and the whole thing was that I thought I was shrinking but it was all in my head. That’s the PMS part, you know how weird some women get while they’re making Japanese flags. It’s not about being rational, it’s about being emotional.

warhorse thanks for the reply
And good to hear about results. I have tried methoxy7 in the past with no results. So I am using Clenbuterol. I am curious as to why I have not seen it in any post cycles here of late on t-mag. any particular reason you decided not to use it? Availability issues? I also liked it for fat burning properties since I will be following massive eating guidelines; Clenbuterol seemed to be the most obvious choice.

I have abs I’m happy with going into winter, so I didn’t need a fatburner. Personally, I wouldn’t use Clen anyway, Hot Rox works fine for me.

you prefer methoxy over clen even for anticatoboilc effects?

Warhorse, I remember reading that article. That if you supplement yourself equivalent to 100 mg of enantate a week (because I don’t have access to adrogel), add the clomid, that you could wean yourself while keeping your t-levels from dropping too low. I ran this by my buddy who juiced for years and is now a Doctor, and He told me that this idea would still cause suppression and testicular atrophy. He told me that even 20mg of test per week would cause suppression. So I never tried Cy’s method. And really don’t know what to believe. However one of my best friends tried this. He was on for a total of 4 months and after he went off, reported no suppression or drop in sex drive so I think I am going to try this method at the end of my current cycle and see if It really does work

Guys, thanks for all the info and input. Cy, again thanks for all your knowledge. I will report here how the andro gel and clomid worked. All I need to know is can one of you guys give me a cyber slap if I start watching Dophra? Intention misspell.

Cy! Great to see you!
A little bridgeing off cycle really helps. I use 200mgs of primo rather then test and have had no problems with recovery that I am aware of…
I also get kinda depressed when off as well though, not sure whether in my case its purely emotional or not. I do know that when the term addicting applies to steroids it is because of this attacthment to the “on” feeling that this has been said. And not due to any physical addiction in the common form of the word.