I am on 100mg a week of Cypionate 200mg I divide that into two .25ml injections a week. I find that the day after the shot I am very nauseous and feel like I have the flu. I have been on this dose for about 2 months and it seems to happen most of the time. I am very clean when doing injections and give them in the glutes. My last blood test a week ago I had a TT of 351 (240-950) FT 17 (9-30) and E2 of 29.5. The brand of the Test is Sandoz from CVS. I have heard of guys doing large amounts having â??testosterone fluâ?? but have read about it in TRT. I am seeing my doctor next week, would going to testosterone ethanate be worth trying? Can my E2 have anything to do with it as I am not on a AI?
351 while on TRT is terrible. What kind of needle are you using?
I suggest using 29 gauge insulin pins and injecting into deltoids. This is easy and effective.
Your E2 is not causiing your issue, though I don’t know what is. You may be allergic to the oil in the test.
Switch to the insulin injections as I recommended and see if that helps. If not, talk to your doc about switching brands or even switching to Test E instead.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
351 while on TRT is terrible. What kind of needle are you using?
I suggest using 29 gauge insulin pins and injecting into deltoids. This is easy and effective.
Your E2 is not causiing your issue, though I don’t know what is. You may be allergic to the oil in the test.
Switch to the insulin injections as I recommended and see if that helps. If not, talk to your doc about switching brands or even switching to Test E instead.[/quote]
Thanks for the input
Yes I was hoping for better than 351 at 100mg a week. I guess it is better than the 81 I was at on 50mg a week.
I was using a 25g 1â?? needle in the quad and switched to the glute after hitting nerve and just having pain injecting there. I just tried using the insulin pins SC this week. I have to say this is pretty nice no pain at all. I still had the sick feeling. I have thought about doing the deltoid. Pretty painless?
So you think switching brands may help?
Delotids are pain free. You need the half inchers obviously, not the 1/3" as they are too shallow (good for SC though).
Switching brands might help, but I dont know if the oils vary much brand to brand. Only way to tell is it to try it and if that doesn’t work, switch esters. You may just want to forego the middle step and switch esters.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Delotids are pain free. You need the half inchers obviously, not the 1/3" as they are too shallow (good for SC though).
Switching brands might help, but I dont know if the oils vary much brand to brand. Only way to tell is it to try it and if that doesn’t work, switch esters. You may just want to forego the middle step and switch esters.[/quote]
Thanks VT, I just did my deltoid and it was very easy and no pain what so ever. I wish I would have started here in the first place. I do have 30g 1/2 .50 insulin pins. DO you front load then or do you do it from the back. I think it would nice to pre load a few
[quote]Wilbur01 wrote:
I am on 100mg a week of Cypionate 200mg I divide that into two .25ml injections a week. I find that the day after the shot I am very nauseous and feel like I have the flu. I have been on this dose for about 2 months and it seems to happen most of the time. I am very clean when doing injections and give them in the glutes. My last blood test a week ago I had a TT of 351 (240-950) FT 17 (9-30) and E2 of 29.5. The brand of the Test is Sandoz from CVS. I have heard of guys doing large amounts having â??testosterone fluâ?? but have read about it in TRT. I am seeing my doctor next week, would going to testosterone ethanate be worth trying? Can my E2 have anything to do with it as I am not on a AI? [/quote]
I didnt get flu like symptoms but I got a bad headache for days after each shot while on Cyp. They swapped me to enanthate and I havent had a headache since then. Its been 1 year and some change since then
I tried backfilling it but decided it was for the birds and definitely not worth the time. I spent more time trying to wiggle the plunger back in and not lose oil than I did just putting it into the vial and pulling back!!!
Nowadays I just put the needle into the vial and pull the plunger back and suspend it upside down from a toothbrush holder before getting into the shower. When I get out, its ready to go.