Hey guys,
I’m normally over at the Pharma section but I found something interesting that belongs here.
I’m weighing pros and cons to make up my mind if TRT is going to be in my future or not. While thinking about it, I asked myself: What about the hypothalamus and the pituitary? Is it a bad thing that TRT shuts down these possibly important hormones?
I mean, how realistic is it that LH, FSH, GnRH and the involved peptides have exactly one job in the body? Not very as nearly every transmitter used by the body has a myriad of functions.
Introducing this study:
Here are the main interesting points:
“These studies show that extragonadal expression of LHR not only occurs, but is functional and may play a role in the control of higher processes by the nervous system.”
So, the LH receptor has functions in the central nervous system. What does it do there? -
„LH may regulate cognition and neuroplasticity in an independent fashion. LHR can evoke signaling that has been well linked to learning and memory.
In rodents LHR is involved in pheromone-driven social behavioral between male and female mice and changes in expression of hippocampal neurogenesis, a neuroplasticity mechanism associated with the regulation of cognitive function.“ So, LH seems to be important for cognitive function and neuroplasticity, two very important functions of the brain which, when dysregulated, result in depression, Alzheimers and other bad stuff.
BUT here’s the Crux: What happens normally with LH during the aging process? Does the hypothalamus stop it’s stimulation of LH production and then T and E decrease?
No it happens the other way round.
T and E2 decrease and therefore the hypothalamus INCREASES its production of GnRH!
LH, which increases 3 fold in women and 2 fold in men throughout the aging process. These changes in LH levels correlate with Alzheimer’s disease progression
So shouldn’t that be good?
Seemingly not. Because here’s Crux number 2:
there seems to be an inverse relationship of LH expression between the brain and bloodstream
So if peripheral LH rises, brain LH decreases because LH doesn’t enter the brain, the brain produces its own LH:
Along with the direct and peripheral effects of hCG, we have recently discovered that LH is produced in the brain. It is expressed in cognition modulating areas such as the hippocampus, the cingulate cortex and midbrain structures such as the thalamus and superior colliculi, and it co-localizes with neuronal markers such as NeuN in pyramidal neurons.
That actually is good for TRT patients because that suggests that the fall in peripheral LH is accompanied by a rise in central LH:
Brain-derived LH protein levels are present in cognition associated areas and reduced by ovariectomy. These levels are normalized by drugs that reduce peripheral LH levels and this normalization of brain-LH positively correlates with markers of neuroplasticity and cognitive improvement.
—> proof of concept
Edit: Graphical abstract
What’s the takeaway from the study for TRT patients?
If you like your balls hanging lower than your dick, then don’t overdo it on TRT with hCG.
In parallel, chronic elevations of peripheral human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which shares a receptor with LH, impairs working memory and increases levels of total brain amyloid-β40 in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
So if you’re worrying about LH being decreased by TRT that shouldn’t be an issue. I don’t know how it looks like with FSH and I’d appreciate the input from guys on TRT and their thoughts on this stuff.
If this has been elucidated before by other members, just ignore this.