Should I Lower Estradiol?

Hi guys,

Just got all my bloodwork back and I hope you can help me out a bit. I’m 26 year old and have low energy and even after a good night sleep it doesn’t go away. Even naps don’t help. I had low libido and problems with erections but that’s a bit better now. Still have a bit of moodswings and sometimes I feel a bit depressed.

I also have night sweats and my girlfriend says I’m like a furnace at night. But I’m cold in the morning and body temperature is around 35.8-36 Celcius. In the afternoon its most times around 36.4. I’ve been supplementing with iodine and it raised my morning temp a bit but not much. Even when I got up to the 50mg dose, tried iodoral and lugol’s.

All my bloodwork looks good and I’m in the middle of all ranges. But after reading a lot about hormones I thought maybe my estrogen should be lower instead of in the middle.

-Testosterone: 16,5 (10-30)
-Estrogen: 75 (0-160)

-TSH: 1,5 (0,2-4,5)
-T4: 13 (9-21)
-T3: 4,7 (2,6-6,2)

Other bloodwork stuff:
-Haemoglobin: 150 (135-180)
-Red cell count: 4,93 (4,5-6,5)
-Haemoatocrit: 0,425 (0,4-0,54)
-Mean cell volume: 86 (78-98)
-White cell count: 5,6 (4-11)
-Neutrophil count: 2,91 (2-7,5)
-Lymphocyte count: 1,85 (1,5-4)
-Monocyte count: 0,49 (0,2-0,8)
-Eosinophil count: 0,29 (0,04-0,4)
-Basophil count: 0,01 (0,01-0,1)

-Urea: 7.5 (2.5-6.6)
-Creatinine: 89 (60-120)
-eGFR (/1,73m2): >60
-Sodium: 140 (135-145)
-Potassium: 3,7 (3,6-5)
-Glucose: 5,4
-Bilirubin: 11 (3-21)
-ALT: 41 (10-50)
-Alk. Phos: 93 (40-125)
-GGT: 22 (10-55)

If anything E2 should be higher. 75 pmol/L is equal to 20 pg/mL. Most guys aim for mid to high twenties or even low 30s

On 25mg E3D my E2 was at 179. Equal to about 50 pg/mL.

I’m confused, cause in the sticky about E2 they say that it should be in the low range. Now you are saying that it should be in the higher range. Its now 75 in a range of 0 to 160…

You’re confusing the units of measure. 160 pg/mL is not normal for a male but 160pmol/L is.

75=20 in the sticky