Hi guys,
Just got all my bloodwork back and I hope you can help me out a bit. I’m 26 year old and have low energy and even after a good night sleep it doesn’t go away. Even naps don’t help. I had low libido and problems with erections but that’s a bit better now. Still have a bit of moodswings and sometimes I feel a bit depressed.
I also have night sweats and my girlfriend says I’m like a furnace at night. But I’m cold in the morning and body temperature is around 35.8-36 Celcius. In the afternoon its most times around 36.4. I’ve been supplementing with iodine and it raised my morning temp a bit but not much. Even when I got up to the 50mg dose, tried iodoral and lugol’s.
All my bloodwork looks good and I’m in the middle of all ranges. But after reading a lot about hormones I thought maybe my estrogen should be lower instead of in the middle.
-Testosterone: 16,5 (10-30)
-Estrogen: 75 (0-160)
-TSH: 1,5 (0,2-4,5)
-T4: 13 (9-21)
-T3: 4,7 (2,6-6,2)
Other bloodwork stuff:
-Haemoglobin: 150 (135-180)
-Red cell count: 4,93 (4,5-6,5)
-Haemoatocrit: 0,425 (0,4-0,54)
-Mean cell volume: 86 (78-98)
-White cell count: 5,6 (4-11)
-Neutrophil count: 2,91 (2-7,5)
-Lymphocyte count: 1,85 (1,5-4)
-Monocyte count: 0,49 (0,2-0,8)
-Eosinophil count: 0,29 (0,04-0,4)
-Basophil count: 0,01 (0,01-0,1)
-Urea: 7.5 (2.5-6.6)
-Creatinine: 89 (60-120)
-eGFR (/1,73m2): >60
-Sodium: 140 (135-145)
-Potassium: 3,7 (3,6-5)
-Glucose: 5,4
-Bilirubin: 11 (3-21)
-ALT: 41 (10-50)
-Alk. Phos: 93 (40-125)
-GGT: 22 (10-55)