Im on sustanon tuesday and friday 250mg cycle
500mg per week and at week 4 i started to use stano oral and after 10 days which is in week 5 my heart start to pound at night got shortbreath and left arm.hurt… so i stopped stano and continue injecting 250mg of sust at this last friday… and at that night it was so hard to sleep with that chest pounding specially when i lay down on bed… my question is should i stop using or continue my cycle…? Pls… i really need help…
stop, go to the doc. Is this you’re first cycle? Have you ever been screened for cardiac defects?
Chances are you’re particularly sensitive to the pro-arrythmiac effects of AAS (as am I) and you’re rhythm went out of whack due to AAS induced cardiac autonomic dysfunction (sustained supraventricular tachycardia)… that or you’ve got some kind of abnormality regarding electrical conduction… How old are you? If you’re older than say 40 and using winny, get checked asap… honestly the symptoms you’ve specified are very characteristic of myocardial infarction (esp the left arm pain), I’d get checked ASAP… could be angina, could be anything… Any familial history of coronary artery disease and/or cardiovascular disease.
You should be aware of the potential cardiac effects of AAS
- autonomic dysfunction, both at rest and in response to exercise, so blunted parasympathetic recovery, generalised increased HR (one study found the average RHR of guys on cycle was like… 89BPM)
- cardiac enlargement predisposing one to sudden death
- accelerated plaque buildup
- direct and indirect injury to cardiac tissue (cellular death) through numerous mechanisms
there’s much more… stop, go to the doctor, get an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, precordial examination etc. If all come out clear, then simply stop, gear may not be cut out for you
Stopping the cycle should be common sense. If I was to say “my skin is turning yellow on DBOL, I wonder if I should stop taking it”… DAMN right you should stop taking it
Wow brother… that means alot… seriously… i really really appreciate ur reply brother…
So let me tell you my history…
My first cycle was on 2018
Stanozolol oral only cycle…
I know … i know its fucked up… i got sold by gym bro… i had to borrow money to buy that stano thinking that it would change my physique… but i failed… felt amazing on cycle but 2 days afyer i stopped eveeythings gone… the pump the gains the strenght… he didnt even mentioned about pct… thankfully i read it on internet about it and had proper pct…
And so at 2019 i had some a little bit knowledge of steroid by reading reading reading… so i decided i will use sust250 only cycle… but at week 3 i got injured at wrist by doing punching… but i decided to keep using it hoping it would be fine… but then no it was wrist strain so i decided to stopped at week 6… i failed… but again… did proper pct… got depressed wondering when will i get a strong and big body… and then i found rehab pages on insta and started doing wrist exercise and started to feel better. So i did rehab for like 3 months so total i couldnt workout for like more than 6 months… and then boom got ddd at l5 s1… doctors said that i will never be able to lift again… but i stopped googleing and went to insta to find rehab exercise for disc degeneration pain… and afyer 3 momths… its getting better… but not fully fine… and it will never be… so i cant do bench press due to wrist cant do squat …
So i decided to use this again at the december 3rd week…of 2019… but then again… wooh… now this happened… i mean i dont want to fail again… im tirsd of failures… this time i prepared everything … like i got msm chondroiton and stuff and fish oil supplement and stuff even milk thistle… and the reason that i ask should i stop is i have to work so hard and save long time money to buy that thing… so i dont wanna waste it… now i know u will say my heart is more important… i know… i will stop… i was telling u the reason that i asked…
So this time i got fat… like a lot of fat… yea thats failure too i should have cut those fat first… and i read last night… and i read some stuff that u mentioned above… i just dont know what to do… thats why i asked…
And im 25 years old… and this is my 3rd cycle… 3rd fail cycle…
Thank you very much for reply brother… i really apprecite it unreal24278
Sorry for my long post… im just fed up and idk when will i get the body i want…
And non of my mom and dad have heart problem before i born