Should I change this cycle

225 lbs 15% BF
First and second cycle were both 500 mg test e per week and 30 mg dbol a day for first 5 weeks. Ik everyone will say 19 and 20 are too young for first cycles but i had a 2 year plateau with all my major lifts and i wasn’t really putting on much muscle. On those first 2 cycles i felt rly good and had literally 0 side effects. No acne, no roid rage, slept like a baby. I felt great. About to start my 3rd cycle and I want some feedback on how it looks. I’ve obviously done a lot of research before this cycle, but as time gets closer to starting i’m seeing more ghost stories about tren and now i’m second guessing this. Cycle is supposed to be:

test e 500 weeks 1-10
tren e 400 1-10
dbol 30 mg ed 1-5
winstrol 50 7-10
arimidex .5 eod 1-10

Nolva 20/20/20/20
Chlomid 50/50/50/50

Should i back down the teen a little bit? Any other thoughts. Appreciate any feedback.

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That was my starting age, 20 years later, and just glad I don’t have to do PCT anymore and found a simple cruise, but you’re young. Science is good now, so do your blood work and know that doesn’t show every thing. Curious for folks comments. Because seems like some people get really good effects on lower dose tren first time and frankly, for me, there was always a first time effect. So you may think long term and what the future doses look like. Finally, the duration seems short. That’s a bitch of a PCT for 10 weeks. I would think about time off and next, then think about duration.

0 need to use tren. It can have mental side effects and is not necessary. You also should drop bodyfat down to 11-12% before you do anything.

Personally i think your too young to use anything as your not done developing yet but here we are so this is what I would run.

12 weeks
test 300mg/wk
deca 150mg/wk
Proviron 50mg/day
Dbol-20mg/day 1-4
Have an AI on hand
Do a little more research on your PCT as well. What you have is something but not great.

how does this relate? hitting a plateau at 19 doesn’t mean it’s time to take steroids lol. I don’t see the correlation. 19 is too young, period.


if those two cycles worked so well why would you do anything different? your proposed cycle looks way overkill without knowing a single thing about you, your current stats, goals, overall health, etc. IDK just seems overly complicated for what you need.

Take it easy my brother, sometimes less is more, 10 years gonna pass by and you will be worried about your health just like i do at the age of 30.

If you wanna juice, choose only bioidentical stuff or stuff that was created for human use.
There is no need to take EQ, Tren, DHB and so on.

Keep it simple, Test, Anavar, Primo, Mast for the long run.

As mentioned above, 300 test is far enough to get HUGE, its about singularity.

If i could start it all over again i would only take Test with GH, nothing else.

I hit 385 on bench as a natural 17 year old. Then plateaued for 2 years. And after 2 cycles im now at 485 (550 squat and 675 deadlift). So obviously bench is my best lift but my others are ok. So tbh my goals (while a little far fetched) I want to compete in powerlifting. World champ is the ultimate goal. Overall health is pretty good being a former division 1 athlete.

How many powerlifting meets have you competed?
What weight class are likely competing?

I haven’t yet competed. Wanted to wait til I get my number up more (hence the overkill tren cycle that started this topic). I would prob cut down to 220 to compete. Maybe 242 depending on how big I get over next few cycles.

You are missing some good networking potential.
You need to compete as soon as possible, IMO.
It is best to know your meet PR’s because those you did “officially.”

Do you know if you want to compete in geared or raw meets, or maybe both. If you don’t know, why not?

That is a huge jump in a short time. IMO, your greatest concern should be a ruptured pec. I have seen too many ruptured pecs, of which most all happened bench pressing over 400lbs.

It is highly likely that your muscle strengthening is outgrowing the tendon strengthening. Be very careful going forward, or you might end your powerlifting career before the first meet.

#1 I definitely want to compete in raw. Not a huge fan of equipped powerlifting.
#2 I’ve heard lots of stories about people tearing a pec because they built too much muscle too fast, but i’ve put on about 50 pounds to my bench every year even when i was natural. I’ve never even had a minor injury. Ik you might not think a 21 year old about to take tren is smart, but i’ve always been pretty smart with my training and never push it to the point of injury.

I don’t care how much of any AAS you take. But IMO, the quantity of AAS required to optimize strength is much less than that required to optimize hypertrophy.

The problem with pec rupture on the bench press, is that all too often there is no warning prior to the rupture. I was fortunate enough to feel a twinge in my pec in my pursuit from 450lb to 500lb. My focus was bodybuilding, so I took the warning as it being too risky for me to continue bench pressing very heavy weight.

All I am doing is giving you something to think about.

As to support gear, the bench press shirt seems to protect the pecs by holding them in tight.