Shortage of Testosterone Cypionate

Anyone have further information or want to add anecdotal experience with this supposed shortage of testosterone cypionate?

Watson and Paddock seem to be having a shortage but saw nothing about Pfizer.


You have a good weapon against muggers - your face!

[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:


I find it odd that the UGL shortage of Cyp co-incides with the legitimate pharmacy shortage of Test Cypionate…

I guess it really may all come from the same place


If there’s a shortage what are the rudimentary ingredients to create testosterone from scratch? Come on guys, didn’t you learn anything in high school chemistry?

I still have used vials from past year. I suppose I could combine what is left at the bottom of each and put into larger vial. Heat vial in boiling water & squirt a little benzyl alcohol in to kill bacteria. That should make a nice welp.

[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
I find it odd that the UGL shortage of Cyp co-incides with the legitimate pharmacy shortage of Test Cypionate…

I guess it really may all come from the same place

-PTD [/quote]

I use a compounding pharmacy in Houston that still stocks both testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. I called them to make sure they still have some and they said yes.

Bro this thread is over a year old

…he was just wanting to help. god bless you robertz and your one post.

…this should serve as a reminder not to take availability of any pharmaceuticals for granted.

i don’t want to sound like a prepper but things can change on a dime. the upheaval in healthcare and the fact that it has happened in the past should get you ready to change your habits.

Yes, always gotta have back up, who knows what could happen with the way this government is being ran