Shaved Head

shaving my head was awesome. too small. had to grow hair back. maybe in 25 more lbs

Have your SO(s) do it for you.
I all but assembled my own private harem since having started to shave my head back in '06.

In case you’re somehow unable to score ass and/or can’t control your bitches: make sure to work on your external shoulder ROM, you fucking loser. And while you’re at it, cut off your shlort. Man, you make me sick.

Or bend it like way.

And George Carlin was great! Brain Droppings, anyone?

I keep waiting for me to go bald. I’m 37 so it could start any day…but I think I’m ready, in that I’ll go from my short hair now (see pic from Sat. Oct 9th with the liter of beer) to billiard ball without much of a fight.

I do this for every thread, so I will stay consistent. Do this, get big as fuck, go on to more important things in life. Be back here in 3 months.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
Just get clippers and shave it without the guard on every week or so. [/quote]

This works excellent. Also make sure you sunscreen that mother and get a tan. First time I shaved my head i went camping for a week and looked like Hades from that cartoon.

Also, moisturize.

[quote]Scott aka Rice wrote:
This wasn’t meant to be a vanity post. I just wanted members’ input on their shaving routines. [/quote]

Okay. Here’s mine.

I walk into the bathroom. I see the clippers/razor on counter.
I back the fuck out of the room… slowly.


You could cut it all off and donate to those with fewer follicles!

C’mon…yours will grow back!

[quote]Nards wrote:
You could cut it all off and donate to those with fewer follicles!

C’mon…yours will grow back![/quote]

You’re right, Nards.
In all seriousness, I’ve made it a goal to really bring up my traps and delts. In that time, my hair will be nice and long. When I reach my delts/traps goal, I will cut 10" off my hair and donate it to “Locks of Love”.

I’ll surely miss the barbarian/viking look, but as you said, it will grow back.

Oh yeah, there’s a real thing like that right? For people undergoing chemotherapy isn’t it?

I meant guys like me or the OP. I’ve never had my hair long though. My face is too round. I’d look like meatloaf.

[quote]Nards wrote:
Oh yeah, there’s a real thing like that right? For people undergoing chemotherapy isn’t it?

I meant guys like me or the OP. I’ve never had my hair long though. My face is too round. I’d look like meatloaf.[/quote]

LOL Meatloaf er… Nards has a new avi now! Nice, ID!

Wow! Reminds me of the female East German shot putter who tried to date-rape me, once :slight_smile:
Go, Nards!

whats with the bald white dudes and waxing the head? (serious question)

was in tourist hell in upstate new york this weekend and there was alot of middle aged dudes that didnt work out with very very shiny heads…

I don’t understand the fascination with shaving your head bald. Your head is not a pussy, you’re not going to get any cool points for shaving it.

I’m sorry but I didn’t capitalize meatloaf for a reason. I think with long hair I look like actual meatloaf.

I’m joking…that’s a great pic! It’ll be my facebook profile pic and in the morning or so I’ll turn it into my avatar.

[quote]FattyFat wrote:
Wow! Reminds me of the female East German shot putter who tried to date-rape me, once :slight_smile:


I think you’d better tell us that story bro! : )

[quote]Soulja874 wrote:
I don’t understand the fascination with shaving your head bald. Your head is not a pussy, you’re not going to get any cool points for shaving it.


Because it looks good when your head matches your delts.

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]Soulja874 wrote:
I don’t understand the fascination with shaving your head bald. Your head is not a pussy, you’re not going to get any cool points for shaving it.


Because it looks good when your head matches your delts. [/quote]

Fat and lumpy?

[quote]Soulja874 wrote:

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]Soulja874 wrote:
I don’t understand the fascination with shaving your head bald. Your head is not a pussy, you’re not going to get any cool points for shaving it.


Because it looks good when your head matches your delts. [/quote]

Fat and lumpy?

Reminds me of the joke,

Why do lawyers wear ties?

To keep down the foreskin.

My head is pretty awkwardly shaped. I kinda have a ridge down the middle. Used to shave it when I was swimming. clippers with no guard followed by a regular razor and shaving cream was what I did.