[quote]gutterballs wrote:
There sure is a lot of raging, impotent, ignorant hate up in this thread. In fact, I detect a whole lot of glee from you guys who relish in your ‘winning’
Hey look! I was born white and have had a pretty easy go of it. Even if my mom was an abusive cunt, I can still get a leg up because–by god I can do anything I want–never mind that wee bit about me being white and that opening doors for me that are perpetually closed for everyone else. Fuck everyone else! If they can’t make it in this world, it’s their own fault! (said while masturbating furiously to Atlas Shrugged).
You fucktards are so happily ignorant of the fact that America was built on the backs of Native American, Black, Mexican, Chinese, and innumerable other immigrants.
Yet, yet…in spite of the first peoples being forced off their land–in spite of their cultures being ripped away from them, --oh naw, it’s totes cool bro! It wasn’t me who did that to you! You just need to get it together brah! Hey, Eminim rocked in in 8 Mile, so you can do it too!!!
It’s easy to dismiss all that and just cry ‘WAAAH they kill each other more than white people do!’ or ‘lol look at those stoopid Indians, they can’t even keep their shit together! lol stupid Indians’ not even coming close to acknowledging the pain and poverty of being born and growing up in a world where you’re ‘born with a bad sign’, and then conveniently ignore the institutional racism that this continent was built on…
Congratulations, you ignorant fucksticks. While you all were slapping each other on the back and giving each other a reach around, an eagle shed a tear, so go ahead–go ahead and whip out your flaccid dicks–go ahead and show us how proud you all are of how wilfully…fucking…ignorant you are.
I know you aren’t going to grasp this concept, but you all are the poster children for the Dunning-Kreuger effect. Thank gawd for representative republicanism, thereby letting adults sit at the table while you mouthbreathers figure out how to touch yourselves.[/quote]
Not quite sure who you are addressing here.
There is a quote function if you want to flirt that whoever it is has you all lathered up.