Shake Weight

[quote]gregron wrote:

[quote]DBCooper wrote:

[quote]DTP88 wrote:
Really? No one has commented on how many times this thread has been made yet?

On topic: Gayest exercise ever.[/quote]

Repetition is the story told by Constantin Constantius as he attempts to repeat a memorable trip by stage coach to see the Opera in Berlin but finds that he cannot recapture the feelings and experiences that he had the first time. Because so much of life depends on random, accidental happenings, past events cannot be precisely recreated. But the desire to repeat the past necessarily creates different experiences. The dynamic of our relationship with this backward and forward nature of experience are central themes. Recollection is characterized as the melancholic feelings we have associated with the past that we know cannot be repeated and that often immobilizes us; whilst repetition is the act and will to live forward. In recollection we place ourselves at the tragic end and we have no hope or desire. Hope and desire for novelty is merely restlessness between past and present. But repetition is profoundly and courageously living in the present. Thus for Kierkegaard repetition is philosophically and otherwise essential.

“…he who does not grasp that life is a repetition and that this is the beauty of life has pronounced his own verdict and deserves nothing better than what will happen to him anyway - he will perish.”

Mmmmm… Tits… [/quote]

I love watching the female shake weight commercial though, AWESOME!!

Another shakeweight thread. Kill it with fire.

Shut up woman get on my horse.

[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
Another shakeweight thread. Kill it with fire.

Shut up woman get on my horse.

SuzieQ would approve if she’d come back from England.


Jesus H. Christ how many of these threads are gonna be made?

Can’t we just sticky one so that it stays on the front page?

^^ I actually surprised as I posted in the last shake weight thread 3 weeks ago…went on vacation, came back and this is the only new shake weight thread since.