Sex Drive - Prolactin


I am 43 years old and using steroids for 15 years.

Height 179cm
Weight 85kg

600mg test/week
400mg mast e/week

I blast and cruise. My cruise is 250mg test c/week

Did some bloods, everything is in range besides 1 point above cholesterol which I will manage. Blood pressure fine.

My concern and definitely the reason for my low sex drive is my prolactin is almost at zero.

I have no idea how this can happen, I thought high prolactin was the issue when juicing.

Thoughts on how I can fix please? It’s driving me insane and getting me angry daily.

How do I raise prolactin? I don’t want to use Deca or other related steroids that raise it because they fuck my sex drive too.

Help pleeeease.

Get your pituitary checked.

I believe estrogen dictates prolactin. What’s your e2 at? Sound like it may be pretty low. I would start there. I assume you’re not taking an AI?

just a thought: is your e2 also very low? given your use of Mast I would wonder if you are suppressing e2 and PRL

No/low libido is normal on TRT/Testosterone. You either come off and function well sexually, or you are on TRT. Seems those are the options.