Sex-Blocking Diet Deficiencies: How to Fix Them

Healthy Wife, Healthy Sex Life

Low libido wrecks relationships, and certain nutritional deficiencies are to blame. Here's what they are and how to correct them quickly.

A recent survey asked husbands and wives why they filed for divorce. Their answers varied but overlapped in one key area: sex.

The men who divorced their wives listed "lack of sex." The women who filed on their husbands had a slightly different take: unsatisfying sex. Bluntly, the men weren't getting any; the women were, but their soon-to-be ex-husbands were selfish in the sack.

The topic of marital sex is complex, but most therapists and counselors overlook something important: nutrition. It sounds odd at first, but remember, sex is both psychological and physiological, and certain nutritional deficiencies obstruct this two-lane highway to Naked Town.

Let's focus on the women here. If you're female, this is for you. However, if you're male, you may want to take some notes and suggest a few supplements to your spouse.

The Sex-Killing Deficiencies for Women

1. Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Impact: Reduced libido and desire, sex-drive-squashing mood issues (depression, anxiety, lethargy), reduced ability to achieve orgasm. One study in the International Journal of Endocrinology found that women with higher vitamin D levels reported better sexual desire, arousal, and lubrication.
  • Causes: Vitamin D helps regulate estrogen and testosterone. Low levels lead to an imbalance in these hormones, which are crucial for sexual excitement and satisfaction. Vitamin D is also essential for serotonin production, which influences mood and emotional well-being. Low levels of vitamin D also lead to a decrease in genital blood flow, reducing physical arousal and sexual sensitivity. Finally, vitamin D helps maintain the mucosal barrier, important for pain-free sex.
  • The Fix: Take 5000 IU of microencapsulated vitamin D daily or until levels are optimized. This form absorbs better and lasts longer in the body. D Fix High Absorption Vitamin D (Buy at Amazon) contains this amount in the most bioavailable formula.

Buy D Fix High-Absorption Vitamin D at Amazon

2. Zinc, Magnesium, and Selenium

  • Impact: Low sex drive and arousal, dryness, reduced relaxation, increased stress, and impaired blood flow.
  • Causes: Zinc is vital for sex hormone production. Inadequate levels disrupt hormonal balance, which directly affects sexual drive. Magnesium reduces stress by regulating cortisol, fights off fatigue, and supports blood flow. Selenium supports thyroid function, critical for regulating hormonal activity. (Thyroid dysfunctions are commonly linked to low libido.)
  • The Fix: Daily, take 400 mg of magnesium, 30 mg of zinc, and 200 mcg of selenium. Use the chelated form of each. Elitepro Vital Minerals (Buy at Amazon) takes care of all three.

ElitePro Minerals

3. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs or Omega-3s)

  • Impact: Low libido, decreased blood flow "down there," lack of lubrication, and mood irregularities.
  • Causes: EFAs are precursors to sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Adequate levels of these hormones are essential for sexual desire, arousal, and overall bedroom satisfaction. EFAs also improve blood flow, increase natural lubrication, and regulate neurotransmitters that influence mood.
  • The Fix: Take 4200 mg of fish oil daily in the triglyceride form. That's three softgels of Flameout DHA-Rich Fish Oil (Buy at Amazon).

Buy Flameout at Amazon

4. Iron and Iodine Deficiencies

  • Impact: Suppressed sexual desire, fatigue, reduced blood flow, and hormonal imbalances that affect libido.
  • Causes: Iron is essential for oxygen transport and energy production. Low levels can result in anemia, which affects stamina and mood. Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production. Low levels lead to hypothyroidism, which suppresses sexual desire.
  • The Fix: Most women need 18 mg of iron daily but can suffer from frequent deficiencies due to menstruation. For maintenance or when needed, take an animal-derived iron supplement (heme), the most bioavailable form. This is a good one: Three Arrows (Buy at Amazon). Women generally need 150 mcg/day of iodine. Supplements are available, but the easiest fix for a deficiency is to simply use iodized salt daily.

High-Impact Addition: Longjack

Women don't have deficiencies in Longjack (derived from the Malaysian Eurycoma longifolia root), but it was shown in studies to positively affect female sexual health.

First, it balances the cortisol-to-testosterone ratio – less cortisol, more testosterone. Second, Longjack boosts free testosterone levels by reducing SHBG levels. SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone in the bloodstream making it biologically inactive. Because of genetics, some women produce more SHBG than others. Their T levels may be fine, but much of it is held hostage by SHBG.

The standardized form of Longjack is called LJ100. While it's obviously marketed toward men, Omega-Man High Absorption Longjack (Buy at Amazon) is used by women. It contains 300 mg of LJ100 Longjack.

Buy Omega-Man at Amazon 89669OM1

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