I have always had a steel gut. Hearburn occasionally, but only under certain circumstances, and it not nearly frequent enough to bother me. I HATE it when I have gut problems, especially the runs.
So here’s my problem. Back it the summer of 2010 I came down with a pretty bad staph infection in my knee. I went to the hospital, standard procedure stuff. I’m allergic to Pennicilline so I was prescribed an antibiotic I had never heared of. Clindamycin. I was told about no side effects. Standard antibiotic, “It’s gonna clear you right up, son.”
If I remember right, (which I may not) I was taking 125 mg. pills 3 times a day. One pill at each dose. It cleared my infection right up, worked fast, noticed improvment right away. I suffered diarrhea maybe 3 times, on three seperate occasions shortly after I finished my last day of doses.
RECENTLY…I went to the doctor for a sore throat I thought may be Strep. My throat swab test came back negative, but the doctor informed me it wasn’t uncommon for test results to not show for Strep sometimes.
Once again I was prescribed Clindamycin. Similar doses. A weeks worth of pills. I finished off about four days worth of pills before I just couldn’t take it anymore. I would have been able to shit through a screen door.
That was about a month and a half ago. And I still suffer from it about once a week. And when I do suffer from it, it’s an all day affair.
Iv’e since read a lot of horror stories about the drug online. It seems many people have had similar problems, and it’s scary. Is this something that is going to last? Is it possible that it caused me permanent damage? What can I do to fix it?
The reason I ask all this is out of fear. My dad has worked out in the sun his whole life, long enough to develope a tan across his face/arms. He sunburns all the time now, every summer he will burn. And if he misses a week of work and doesn’t spend all his time outside, he will blister. And he is throuroughly convinced it is because of a certain type of drug he took within the last 4 yrs.
Bowel problems scare me to death. I have NEVER suffered from diarrhea like I do now. It is infuriating to say the least. Does yogurt help? Is there any other pro-biotic formula I can get anywhere? What can I take to make it go away?
Sorry for the long post.