Serenity & Firefly

Yeah, it was. I kept missing the last episode (S:A&B), anyone know if it’s (or ever going to be) available on DVD?

Throw “space above and beyond” into the search field at Youtube and watch some clips.

I did actually find the DVD. Region 1 only with no bonus features. Plus, someone mentioned they had a blurry image of the Babylon 5 station on the front cover…

Take me out, to The Black
Tell ‘em I ain’t comin’ back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can’t take the Sky from me.

[quote]Rykker wrote:
Inner Hulk wrote:
I liked the movie better than the series.

The series failed so badly though because episodes were shown out of order and airing times were changed.

The series wasn’t a fail – not by a long-shot.

It was FOX that fucked it all to hell.[/quote]
I meant the series failed in terms of viewers, due to Fox’s fuck ups.

[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
Agreed, Firefly is far superior to the movie Serenity. In fact, in the past 5 years, so far as non educational TV goes I’d have to rank

2.The Shield
3.Joe Schmoe (1st Season)

Everything else is crap.


Wow, you clearly haven’t seen the Wire have you?

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Agreed, Firefly is far superior to the movie Serenity. In fact, in the past 5 years, so far as non educational TV goes I’d have to rank

2.The Shield
3.Joe Schmoe (1st Season)

Everything else is crap.


Wow, you clearly haven’t seen the Wire have you?[/quote]

Nope. Now I’m interested though. I’ll kick around the net and see if it’s worth checking out. I love when this stuff happens. A thread pops up and you’re reminded of the stuff you said months or years ago. It’s almost like one of those time capsules you did back in school but opened up 15 years late.


I loved Firefly.
Battlestar Galactica is also out of the top drawer of what science fiction can be.

[quote]Neuromancer wrote:
I loved Firefly.
Battlestar Galactica is also out of the top drawer of what science fiction can be.[/quote]

Currently my favorite program…season premier was great

[quote]Qaash wrote:
Neuromancer wrote:
I loved Firefly.
Battlestar Galactica is also out of the top drawer of what science fiction can be.

Currently my favorite program…season premier was great[/quote]

I saw the mini series and first 2 seasons of BSG along with Razor and liked them quite a bit. I didn’t realize that 2.5 was the second part of season 2 and somehow thought it was season 3. As you can tell I didn’t follow it at all while it was on, but saw them later. I now have seen season 3 and after getting all caught up I like it even more and did see the season 4 premier. I hope that made sense to somebody.

The first 2 seasons have to be seen to appreciate the third which wasn’t quite as good I didn’t think, but still worth seeing after the first 2. The season 4 premier was great, but couldn’t have gone any other way thus making it somewhat predictable. Maybe except for the Koreshification of Baltar.

I also got my hands on the original series which I loved when it was out. I didn’t remember that the whole “FRAK” thing started in 1978.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
I didn’t remember that the whole “FRAK” thing started in 1978.[/quote]

Did it really? I thought it was made up during this version of it to give it a more “realistic” feel in terms of emotional reactions.

[quote]Qaash wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
I didn’t remember that the whole “FRAK” thing started in 1978.

Did it really? I thought it was made up during this version of it to give it a more “realistic” feel in terms of emotional reactions.[/quote]

Nope, they said it in the original series. I didn’t remember until seeing it again.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
I didn’t remember that the whole “FRAK” thing started in 1978.

Qaash wrote:
Did it really? I thought it was made up during this version of it to give it a more “realistic” feel in terms of emotional reactions.

Tiribulus wrote:
Nope, they said it in the original series. I didn’t remember until seeing it again.[/quote]

Really? Felgercarb!

Well, just thought I’d post because of my avatar. Anyway, you all hear about Joss Whedon’s new show, “Dollhouse”?

[quote]TShaw wrote:
Really? Felgercarb![/quote]

For realz. Dude ain’t spoutin’ daggit dribble.

I’m really busy today, but I’ll try to clip a piece where they say it in the original series

Oh man, I LOVED Firefly! And Serenity, but the series is my favorite between that and the movie.

Did anyone else think Inara’s abs weren’t quite up to par, though? I mean, considering she’s pretty much just supposed to be sexy for a living?

[quote]Annaerobic wrote:
Did anyone else think Inara’s abs weren’t quite up to par, though?

What? No!

Alright boyz n girlz the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Be nice, my Apache machine is on a residential account so give it a minute.

There’s more, but this was the first one I could find.

Edit: Oh yeah, divx file. Use VLC or core media player if you don’t want to grab the decoder from . Everybody should have VLC anyway.

Issue #2 of Whedon’s “Better Days” Serenity comic is out this week.