I’m psyched that I started my first cycle on Monday. Here it is so you know what’s going on:
Week 1-10 500mg Test enth (250mg E3D)
Week 11-16 Stasis 100mg (50mg E3D)
Then taper weeks 17-22 80/60/50/40/30/20 (pinning E3D)
Probably throw some nolva in during the taper for good measure.
Now here’s the deal, I pinned 250mg test enth Monday and since yesterday (Tuesday) morning my nips have been sensitive. Not bad, nor itchy or puffy, just the nip (the part that sticks out) is kind of sensitive to the touch. And it seems to come and go, worse at some times and not at all at other times.
Is this normal? Is this a mild warning sign of gyno? It seems too early. Am I being paranoid? Should I wait it out a little?
I have nolva, adex, and letro on hand. I’m planning to start 0.25mg adex EOD midway through week 2 per lilguy’s advice.
Any thoughts or input is appreciated. Thanks guys!
I’ve known of cases of gyno from a mere 250 mg/week of testosterone but agree that it’s far less likely that a single 250 mg injection of testosterone enanthate yielded actual nipple soreness that fast than it is that this is, as Jazz_Man suggests, psychological gyno.
Which happens quite a bit.
However if downright, no-doubt-about-it painfulness occurs – wearing a shirt hurts you – then it will be necessary to use the Nolvadex now, taking about 6 times the usual daily dose on the first day Hopefully you planned ahead and have it already.
It would also be safest but of unknown necessity to stop the testosterone use for now if that happens.
Thanks for your help guys. I was pretty sure it was nothing but wasn’t sure. Either its in my head or I’m checking my nips so often that I’m irritating them. I’ll just keep an eye on them and see how it goes. Oh, and try to keep my hands off my nips ; )
[quote]TrainWreck80 wrote:
Thanks for your help guys. I was pretty sure it was nothing but wasn’t sure. Either its in my head or I’m checking my nips so often that I’m irritating them. I’ll just keep an eye on them and see how it goes. Oh, and try to keep my hands off my nips ; )
Pain is a sign of gyno but usually it is accompanied by the noticeable growth of the gland directly underneath the nipple. This lump is a true sign of gyno and would require nolv ASAP.