Senator Coburn, Why Congress Sucks

Its an 11 page article but is well worth it. Its not a partisan anti-Dem/Rep article, before the wingnuts from the left and right get involved.

Just read it.

This guy has balls, I like him. He’s taking the bullshit out of politics and replacing it with realism. He understands that we the people want change, and understand that our vote is meant to count, something every politician seems to forget. He isn’t influenced by his party, like every other mindless drone who follows in the path of their political machine whose wheels are greased only by money.

He’s cutting out the pork barrel politics, so our national debt doesn’t get any worse than it already is. I’d vote him for president, I think we need somebody eccentric like this, we need CHANGE. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the country fear change even when we’ve become entangled in a war without purpose, our debt is through the roof, we’ve lost civil liberties, etc. This is the kind of guy that’s going to give the people back their country, God bless him.

[quote]MisterAmazing wrote:
This guy has balls, I like him. He’s taking the bullshit out of politics and replacing it with realism. He understands that we the people want change, and understand that our vote is meant to count, something every politician seems to forget. He isn’t influenced by his party, like every other mindless drone who follows in the path of their political machine whose wheels are greased only by money.

He’s cutting out the pork barrel politics, so our national debt doesn’t get any worse than it already is. I’d vote him for president, I think we need somebody eccentric like this, we need CHANGE. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the country fear change even when we’ve become entangled in a war without purpose, our debt is through the roof, we’ve lost civil liberties, etc. This is the kind of guy that’s going to give the people back their country, God bless him. [/quote]

yeah, he is definitely not your run-of-the-mill senator. Wish there were more like him.

He’s a douchebag. Out of the entire US Senate, only Coburn and one other idiot voted against new ethics laws:

[i]…Sen. Coburn voted against a far-reaching ethics bill and says he’ll not seek re-election in 2010 if the bill passes.

The legislation, approved in the Senate Jan. 18, requires House approval. If approved, members of Congress would have to give up gifts and free travel from lobbyists, pay more for travel on corporate jets and make themselves more accountable for pet projects they insert into bills, according to the Associated Press.

“If this becomes law, I will guarantee you I won’t run again,” he told C-SPAN. “I’m not about to put what I’ve worked for 35 years as a physician and a businessman at risk so I can represent the people. I will say 'I’m cashing it in. We just imploded ourselves.”

Sen. Coburn is one of two U.S. Senators who voted against the ethics rules. He told C-SPAN that being a U.S. senator is not a very good job.[/i]

Don’t let the door hit you, on your way out!

Coburn was also one of the jackasses driving Congress’ meddling in the Terri Schiavo case. He said Terri Schiavo wasn’t brain dead.

And here’s one of his golden nuggets:

“The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power - Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That’s a gay agenda.”

Wow! Abortion is a secret plot by The Gay Mafia!

“I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.”

Okay. If abortion is a capitol crime, then anybody who has ever had an abortion should be put to death, too. Guys, don’t worry… none of your sisters, mothers, wives or girlfriends have ever needed an abortion. Only bad, evil people have abortions. So don’t sweat it.

However, before he was a Senator, Dr. Coburn himself performed abortions.

In short, this guy is a kook.

Yeah, he’s a real kook. But the other 90% of the Senate funding personal projects and adding to our $9 trillion debt, along with using all money in the hundreds of millions for worthless bridges in Alaska and other pet projects instead of using relief money for Katrina, they’re all good.

Somebody not influenced by his party’s monetary motivation, wow, that’s different, he must suck. You overlook all this and make a post about some statements he made earlier, and his refusal to pass something. Gee, I couldn’t make a post thirty times longer for every other Senator.

[quote]Brad61 wrote:
He’s a douchebag. Out of the entire US Senate, only Coburn and one other idiot voted against new ethics laws:

[i]…Sen. Coburn voted against a far-reaching ethics bill and says he’ll not seek re-election in 2010 if the bill passes.

The legislation, approved in the Senate Jan. 18, requires House approval. If approved, members of Congress would have to give up gifts and free travel from lobbyists, pay more for travel on corporate jets and make themselves more accountable for pet projects they insert into bills, according to the Associated Press.

“If this becomes law, I will guarantee you I won’t run again,” he told C-SPAN. “I’m not about to put what I’ve worked for 35 years as a physician and a businessman at risk so I can represent the people. I will say 'I’m cashing it in. We just imploded ourselves.”

Sen. Coburn is one of two U.S. Senators who voted against the ethics rules. He told C-SPAN that being a U.S. senator is not a very good job.[/i]

Don’t let the door hit you, on your way out![/quote]

He voted against them because they weren’t strong enough…

Coburn is the strongest anti-pork, anti-earmark voice in the Senate. But good to see you’re applying your normal level of intellectual rigor.

[quote]Brad61 wrote:
Coburn was also one of the jackasses driving Congress’ meddling in the Terri Schiavo case. He said Terri Schiavo wasn’t brain dead.

And here’s one of his golden nuggets:

“The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power - Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That’s a gay agenda.”

Wow! Abortion is a secret plot by The Gay Mafia!

“I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.”

Okay. If abortion is a capitol crime, then anybody who has ever had an abortion should be put to death, too. Guys, don’t worry… none of your sisters, mothers, wives or girlfriends have ever needed an abortion. Only bad, evil people have abortions. So don’t sweat it.

However, before he was a Senator, Dr. Coburn himself performed abortions.

In short, this guy is a kook.[/quote]

On this point you’re on firmer footing – he is a strong social conservative – pretty much what one would expect from the Oklahoma senator…

Very strongly anti-abortion. Though he has performed abortions as a physician for the sake of the health of the mother.

ADDENDUM: For the purpose of clarifying my point immediately above, that should indicate to you that perhaps you should question the description of his position you read – even if it contained quotes out of context…

The guy is a medical doctor – ergo was smart enough to get into and graduate from medical school – and his position is likely a bit more nuanced than your source would have you believe. For instance, he would sanction abortions necessary for the health of the mother.

Hahahaha, he voted against the bill because it wasn’t strong enough? That’s hilarious.

“All or nothing” then, is that your opinion of the guy who calls for executing abortion docs, even though he performed abortions himself?

Say, you’re pretty nuanced yourself. I’d say the guy is a walking contradiction. Oh, I’m sure there isn’t an ethics bill that could possibly go far enough for Coburn. That’s just how ethical he is.

I’m kind of like that with my diet. No diet plan is ever good enough for me, so I don’t do any dieting whatsoever. That’s just how principled I am.

It’s a juvenile and idiotic view of the political process… that if you can’t have everything you want, then you want nothing at all.

And by the way, everyone says they hate pork… except when that pork is being sent to their home districts. Then they love pork like crazy. People only hate pork that goes somewhere else. It’s nothing but empty pandering to the voters, to talk about pork while spending hand-over-fist. The Republican majority showed no fiscal discipline at all, when they had a chance to run the Congress. “Cutting pork” and fiscal discipline are not principles, they are superficial campaign slogans for the Right.

[quote]Brad61 wrote:
Hahahaha, he voted against the bill because it wasn’t strong enough? That’s hilarious.

“All or nothing” then, is that your opinion of the guy who calls for executing abortion docs, even though he performed abortions himself?

Say, you’re pretty nuanced yourself. I’d say the guy is a walking contradiction. Oh, I’m sure there isn’t an ethics bill that could possibly go far enough for Coburn. That’s just how ethical he is.

I’m kind of like that with my diet. No diet plan is ever good enough for me, so I don’t do any dieting whatsoever. That’s just how principled I am.

It’s a juvenile and idiotic view of the political process… that if you can’t have everything you want, then you want nothing at all.

And by the way, everyone says they hate pork… except when that pork is being sent to their home districts. Then they love pork like crazy. People only hate pork that goes somewhere else. It’s nothing but empty pandering to the voters, to talk about pork while spending hand-over-fist. The Republican majority showed no fiscal discipline at all, when they had a chance to run the Congress. “Cutting pork” and fiscal discipline are not principles, they are superficial campaign slogans for the Right. [/quote]

Yes, he probably didn’t think it was strong enough, he won’t settle for less, that’s what makes him a good man let alone a good politician. You say he’s paradoxical, I say he didn’t let his career as a doctor intertwine with his career as a Senator, which is a good thing. Senators are not allowed to profit from being doctors or lawyers at the time they are in the Senate, so he runs his medical practice for free and loses over $40,000/year doing so. Saying people oppose pork when it’s not for their district, how the hell would it pass through without majority? It’s all favors owed and crap like that, which he doesn’t believe in no matter which way it goes. He’s argued with his own party numerous times, and has been publicly condemned for it. He puts the people first, what a dickhead. It’s juvenile and idiotic to not settle for something that isn’t completely right, wow, I wish everybody in power thought like you. Yeah, the Republican majority showed no fiscal discpline, what’s that have to do with a guy that constantly speaks out against his own party, you just proved him more right. Next time, read before you open your mouth.