Of all of the loathsome creatures in US politics this shit stain is the one who brings out the worst in me like none other. I mean on a deep down level. This guy turned my stomach when he was in the house, but now as a Senator he has achieved positively herculean superciliousness, pomposity, condescension and hubris. I cannot fathom what must go on in the mind of any human being that would voluntarily put this insect in a position of power.
Watching a Schumer press conference one would think they’re watching the happy nursery school teacher address the boyz n girlz. He does not even take a superficial stab at hiding the utter disdain with which he views his constituents.
Right when I was taking some consolation in the the notion that I had already witnessed the quantum pinnacle of nausea inducing disingenuousness in the person of Charles Schumer and had heroically withstood it, he himself surpasses all his own previous records today.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Even Barney Frank looks good next to him.
Whoa Push, hang on there. I rarely post in PWI, but I always seem to agree with you politically. With that said, I’ve always found Barney to be on a level of his own.
Schumer gave a speech at my high school graduation, and my brothers and at least 1 of my sisters high school graduations as well. The SAME speech each time.
I’m not sure if that’s a common thing amongst guest speakers at graduations, but it seemed whats the word “cheap?”