I am looking for advice. I need to sell basically EVERYTHING I own–furniture, decorations, gym equipment, TVs, camping gear. Enough stuff for 5 people in a 4 bedroom home. Does anyone have any idea of how I can do this FAST? I can’t have a garage sale due to HOA rules. I can put stuff on Facebook Marketplace, but I don’t really have time to go through all that because there is so much stuff. Any ideas?
My mother used an auction company. They take care of everything for you, but of course they take a chunk of the profit.
I’ve sold gym equipment to other gyms before. Not even just small local gyms, but when I worked at the YMCA in town I knew the woman who was in charge of their weight room equipment and she almost bought something from me when she needed to replace an item and mine was in better shape.
Maybe just call them and say, “Hey, I got X amount of stuff that’s gotta go. Interested?” If any of its quality I bet you’d find a taker.
And at the risk of sounding obvious, can you move your stuff somewhere out of your neighborhood? Do you have a friend or coworker with a driveway they’d let you use to hold a garage sale? Or a parking lot of a local business where maybe you know the owner/manager?
This sounds like an estate sale. That should be an easy way to sell it all. Possibly donating unsold stuff for a write-off.
I have to ask, what happened? You want to travel, bad relationship, new job, want to start from scratch, the cartel is after you?
There are Estate buyers that will bid on the whole lot. Of course they will low ball you, but it’s the fastest way.
Thanks, everyone.
So uh, what kind of stuff you selling specifically? You got a list?
A Halloween costume,
A flashlight,
A shovel,
A blowtorch,
A bucket of acid, the trippy kind. It does come in buckets.
36 dildos,
4 severed hands,
A Japanese schoolgirl,
and the necronomicron.
Yup. She’s the spotter, occasionally does paperwork.
Four bedrooms worth of furniture (three kids rooms)
3 sofas
2 TVs
Various decorations
Laser Engraver
3D Printer
BBQ Grill
Pellet Smoker
Power Rack
400 lbs of weights
Trap Bar and Olympic Bar
90-lb Powerblock DBs
Literally a full 4 bedroom house worth of stuff.
Honestly, I can’t bring myself to go into it.
Don’t. Good luck with what you’re having to handle. Seriously.
What kind of 3d printer?
It’s an Artillery, but I’m not sure what model. My wife uses it.
If you can get me more details I may be interested
No forks ??
A man’s gotta eat