Self Written Poetry Thread

It’s nice to see an artistic side to you all. Some nice poetry here.

Here’s a little love poem of mine.


Sometimes when I’ve had a busy day,
the bundle of clothes in the dryer forgotten
in the bustle of chores and children,
I stoop to remove the soft particles of lint from the screen.
Rolling the soft, fleecy evidence between my fingers,
I blush warmly remembering that your
undershirts, khakis, and socks,
mingled together with my
bath towel, camisoles, and cotton dresses,
in a whirling dervish of vibrating heat
just a short time ago. for more of my stuff

[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
It’s nice to see an artistic side to you all. Some nice poetry here.

Here’s a little love poem of mine.


Sometimes when I’ve had a busy day,
the bundle of clothes in the dryer forgotten
in the bustle of chores and children,
I stoop to remove the soft particles of lint from the screen.
Rolling the soft, fleecy evidence between my fingers,
I blush warmly remembering that your
undershirts, khakis, and socks,
mingled together with my
bath towel, camisoles, and cotton dresses,
in a whirling dervish of vibrating heat
just a short time ago.[/quote]

I like this one a lot

Thanks SMH. Hopefully you’ll never look at laundry the same way! :wink:

My poetry tends to fall in one of two categories.

  1. Personal stuff written when for myself, usually when I was down about something. This is usually crap, not fit for anyone else to read - sort like hearing an inside joke - sucks because you don’t get it.

  2. Stuff that comes out when I’ve been really happy, or something quirky strikes me. These are poems that other people tend to relate to.

I wonder how many of you tend to write poetry as an expression of negative emotion, catharsis?

[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
Thanks SMH. Hopefully you’ll never look at laundry the same way! :wink:

My poetry tends to fall in one of two categories.

  1. Personal stuff written when for myself, usually when I was down about something. This is usually crap, not fit for anyone else to read - sort like hearing an inside joke - sucks because you don’t get it.

  2. Stuff that comes out when I’ve been really happy, or something quirky strikes me. These are poems that other people tend to relate to.

I wonder how many of you tend to write poetry as an expression of negative emotion, catharsis?


It definitely makes laundry seem like a bit less of a chore lol.

The poem I wrote earlier was definitely an expression of negative emotion rather than positive.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

I wanna shout ‘movie’ at a crowded fire
Shoot a blank from the gun-for-hire.
Make my mark, after dark
Drink black water from a junkyard tire.


This is really nice.

I like your style ID.

You younger guys, keep all the poems you are writing now. You’ll be tempted to throw some if it away. There’s an old Willie Nelson song where he talks about how “the words of your youth fade away.”

You will write about different things when your older, but it’s good to go back and see what you were thinking when you were 20. The great lyric poets tend to be young.

[quote]smh23 wrote:

[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
Thanks SMH. Hopefully you’ll never look at laundry the same way! :wink:

My poetry tends to fall in one of two categories.

  1. Personal stuff written when for myself, usually when I was down about something. This is usually crap, not fit for anyone else to read - sort like hearing an inside joke - sucks because you don’t get it.

  2. Stuff that comes out when I’ve been really happy, or something quirky strikes me. These are poems that other people tend to relate to.

I wonder how many of you tend to write poetry as an expression of negative emotion, catharsis?


It definitely makes laundry seem like a bit less of a chore lol.

The poem I wrote earlier was definitely an expression of negative emotion rather than positive.[/quote]

Nothing wrong with that either. It can be a way to process, or to make your peace. There are certainly a lot of good song lyrics about having your heart broken, or about some kind of angst. Maybe all artists have to be a little bit tortured.

[quote]Ripped Fury wrote:
I wrote this a while ago.

Angry at you for always tempting fate
Angry at you for not giving a fuck, until it was too late.

Angry at you for creating an atmosphere or fear
Even when you were far away, and not near.

Angry at you because you were angry all the time
Even when all I did was bring the temperature down below fine.

Angry at you for trying to take advantage of me like you did
Even though I was just a little kid.

Angry at you for throwing that game in my face
Even though all I did was make an honest mistake.

Angry at you for frightening the fight out of me
Because when I needed it the most, it was not there for me.

Angry at you for not looking at me, the way I looked at you
Angry at you for acting like you didn’t have a clue.

Angry at you for acting the way you did that fall
Angry at you for making me wish, that I had never met you at all.

Angry at you for ripping my heart without a stitch
Angry at you for being such a BITCH

Angry at you for knowing things for what they were
Angry at you for not knowing that things could be the way they are.

I am angry, so very angry at you
But I won’t say anything, 'cause it wouldn’t be of any use, to me or you.

And as much as I would like to say…FUCK YOU
All I can say is…thank you.[/quote]

I keep reading this one over and picking up something new. It’s really good.

[quote]Powerpuff wrote:

I wonder how many of you tend to write poetry as an expression of negative emotion, catharsis?


Wow that’s a really good point. I guess I would fall into that category.

paradise is not a roll determined on a pair of dice
its a hair you splice, intricately and seemly in the seems of another…
a lover, will smother, and extinguish - all sorts of attempts of speaking english
in instead to trade it in for a sense self importance -
i’ll still love you - so long as its more than yours is.

More negative emotion haha. These were both old, I’m going to try and write a positive one when I get some inspiration. Probably very late tonight.

Not very good, but I had fun writing it. I rarely write anything I’m proud of, unless it’s directed at my girlfriend, but that comes with the problem of her having the only copies.

Let’s climb the stairs
We’ll take steps like hares
And when we get to the top
We can finally stop

Look down
And around
And wonder if we’re lost
Because we have forgot

We came from
From the bottom
From the pit
We forget

Surrounded by
Sights and sounds
Never wondering why
It feels so profound

Step forward three times
One two three stop
But lured by the sound of your eyes
One two three

[quote]Powerpuff wrote:

[quote]Ripped Fury wrote:
I wrote this a while ago.

Angry at you for always tempting fate
Angry at you for not giving a fuck, until it was too late.

Angry at you for creating an atmosphere or fear
Even when you were far away, and not near.

Angry at you because you were angry all the time
Even when all I did was bring the temperature down below fine.

Angry at you for trying to take advantage of me like you did
Even though I was just a little kid.

Angry at you for throwing that game in my face
Even though all I did was make an honest mistake.

Angry at you for frightening the fight out of me
Because when I needed it the most, it was not there for me.

Angry at you for not looking at me, the way I looked at you
Angry at you for acting like you didn’t have a clue.

Angry at you for acting the way you did that fall
Angry at you for making me wish, that I had never met you at all.

Angry at you for ripping my heart without a stitch
Angry at you for being such a BITCH

Angry at you for knowing things for what they were
Angry at you for not knowing that things could be the way they are.

I am angry, so very angry at you
But I won’t say anything, 'cause it wouldn’t be of any use, to me or you.

And as much as I would like to say…FUCK YOU
All I can say is…thank you.[/quote]

I keep reading this one over and picking up something new. It’s really good.

Thanks PP. I was on my way to the gym when the muse for that poem struck. I had to high tail it to the gym as fast as I could to write it down in my log book before I forgot parts of it!

I’ll love you forever.

I said it like a child on the cusp of adolescence,
whispering secrets into the welcoming arms of your heart,
knowing that cold hard earthly ruin comes even to shapeless fantasies.

Those days!
When there weren’t enough hours in the night to appease our lust
even if we fucked from twilight to sunup.

I’ll love you forever.

And I did love you a while:
at first as berserk, as frenzied
as the screaming climax of rough sex in August.

Then tenderly,
as months became years and the sweet terrible madness of dangerous love faded in the rear view mirror,
our lust turned to affection and finally to tearful nostalgia - friends parting under a winter sunset.

I’ll love you forever.

Its been years now since I’ve seen you.
I sometimes stop in the tedium of the day and lose myself in the backseat of a filthy sweaty sedan
rocking back and forth like animals without the faintest understanding of death.

It is finally clear:
forever is what comes after love
forever is separation, longing, and the end of life.

I won’t love you forever.
I can’t love you forever.
But this they’ll never take: for an instant in the history of all existence, I held your quivering pulsating naked flesh to mine.

That one truth will persist long after the stars have died and rotted away.

Here’s my contribution:

I live in a shanty
in the shantytown.
We have no money
so we had to sleep on the ground.
I played the music.
My father he dig a ditch.
My mother she do laundry
life sure was a bitch.

But 'till we killed the white people. Ooh we gon make them hurt.
Kill the white people yea. But buy my record first.
Ooh yea. Why donâ??t you buy my record?

We sing of freedom and ooh equality.
But we really donâ??t care we just want money money money.
We want to drive in a big black limousine.
Get so high off ganja we cant even see.’

and then we kill the white people. Ooh we gunna make them hurt.
Kill the white people. Yea. Ooh but buy my record first ooh.

When u go in the record store. We gunna wait outside.
We gunna hit them in the head with a bat and make them cry.

but 'till we kill the white people.
Yea but buy my record first.

I just recorded it. This is me singing. Let me know what you think…

Dark clouds on the horizon
As of yet though I feel fine and
This is my design and
According to the sign (it’s clear)

Unchained by convention oh, and did I mention
My splinter group is shot with no retention
But don’t split off yet, I promise it gets better
Please put these documents in through a paper shredder
Chop chop as it’s swallowed the memory is gone
The only recollection is the design of this song

Dark clouds on the horizon
As of yet though I feel fine and
This is my design and
According to the sign (it’s clear)

Sushi chef cuts clean, the past is a dream
Things aren’t as clear as the once may have seemed
Catch your hand in the shredders blades
Across the room look it your blood it sprayed
I spit out because I’m so surprised yet I know
I spit because this is how I predicted it would go

Dark clouds on the horizon
As of yet though I feel fine and
You’re a victim of design and
Fallen pray to all the signs (it’s clear)

I know nothing but paradox
I know I am as important as a pair of socks
I know your religion supports man-boy love -
Like a threesome with triceratops
Reptar and Tommy Pickle, stuff his pickle down your fiddle
And I’m the sick one for acknowledging these evils?
Why can’t you all see why I hate you people
Why do you want to stay behind a self-deceit veil?
Open your eyes, perspective requires dichotomy
Your religion is one that supports hate and sodomy

Wow… I went to write something down about 2 minutes ago and this is what came out. I know its going to offend some but honestly no I’m not sorry. Train of thought is a weird ass fucking thing to examine.

So much for the happy poem though… I’m going to try again.

I really hope you die
I really want to smite you all,
for being less mighty than I
I am God and you are peons,
the relationship has been the same for eons
And you all want to accept it
because you lack the required perspective?
Looking down from a birds eye view
It is as funny or sad as I should choose
And right now I’m quite amused
You all really need to lose…
Your god damned fucking minds

That’s as happy as my poetry is getting today. Maybe another day. I do feel much better after that though… Therapy I tell you. Shit, I felt great before it though.

[quote]DBCooper wrote:
The mere sight of my name sucked you into this thread? I feel…important. Seriously though, I’m glad you liked them. Believe it or not, these are the first poems I’ve written in probably 15 years. I should write some more.[/quote]

Where did you learn to write poetry?


He took the spots from the fawn
Tossed them up into the dawn
Where they patiently waited for light
To subside into night
Whence they shine down in time
In a twinkling, on the back
Of the buck in his prime.