[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
[quote]Ripped Fury wrote:
I wrote this a while ago.
Angry at you for always tempting fate
Angry at you for not giving a fuck, until it was too late.
Angry at you for creating an atmosphere or fear
Even when you were far away, and not near.
Angry at you because you were angry all the time
Even when all I did was bring the temperature down below fine.
Angry at you for trying to take advantage of me like you did
Even though I was just a little kid.
Angry at you for throwing that game in my face
Even though all I did was make an honest mistake.
Angry at you for frightening the fight out of me
Because when I needed it the most, it was not there for me.
Angry at you for not looking at me, the way I looked at you
Angry at you for acting like you didn’t have a clue.
Angry at you for acting the way you did that fall
Angry at you for making me wish, that I had never met you at all.
Angry at you for ripping my heart without a stitch
Angry at you for being such a BITCH
Angry at you for knowing things for what they were
Angry at you for not knowing that things could be the way they are.
I am angry, so very angry at you
But I won’t say anything, 'cause it wouldn’t be of any use, to me or you.
And as much as I would like to say…FUCK YOU
All I can say is…thank you.[/quote]
I keep reading this one over and picking up something new. It’s really good.
Thanks PP. I was on my way to the gym when the muse for that poem struck. I had to high tail it to the gym as fast as I could to write it down in my log book before I forgot parts of it!