hey guys heres my stats.
20 years old 160lbs bf 15%
first cycle was last year september
sust week 1-10 600mg a week
dbol week 1-4 30mg/day then 4-8 50mg/day
gained a solid 18-19lbs but lost about 40% of gains right after. had abit of gyno but didnt do anything about it and it actually left after my cycle. i did not pct as i went to prison on the exact of completing week 10 lol. test levels got back to normal surprisingly with no side effects. pretty good gainz from this cycle just wish i had kept more of it. lost just a tad bit of strength too but still a fuck load stronger than when i started the cycle. diet was clean, heavy on protein.
anyway got out of prison and im back in the gym for about a month now. planning on starting my second cycle of test E for 10weeks as follows
test e week 1-10 600mg/week(300mg mon&thur)
arimidex week 1-10 .5mg ed ***
pct nolva 40|40|20|20
*** for arimidex was thinking if i should do .5mg eod instead? or .25 ed. or stick to .5mg ed. just paranoid of gyno. still surprised it went away during my previous cycle, i was convinced it was gonna stay forever as it was hard.
please share your thoughts on my cycle and any suggestions if i should stack this cycle with dbol or something else? my main goal for this cycle is to gain as much lean muscle as possible. i eat fucking alot and clean on cycle and train 5-6days a week even now. was actually considering a tren a test p 6 week cycle but read up and decided i am not ready for tren. anyway please share your thoughts thanks broskis. cheers