lol I’m not pissed off I watched the movie…I mean there are some good moments in that film that still make me laugh (emotional MMA guy etc.) and I actually didn’t know it was gonna be him being gay the whole time lol. He couldve cut out some of his gay shit…it just got old after a while into the movie…
I just think it couldve been and had potential to be a lot better…maybe I expected too much cause Borat was prety damn funny…and I heard this is gonna be better…but unfortunately it wasn’t for me.
Oh man, who ever would have thought of such ground breaking humor as showing your cock? HA HA HA, isn’t Sasha Cohen funny?
Some of you are some exaggerating fools.
[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
Some of you are some exaggerating fools.[/quote]
and obviously unfamiliar with the original Da Ali G Show by the sound of a lot of these comments.
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Some of you are some exaggerating fools.
and obviously unfamiliar with the original Da Ali G Show by the sound of a lot of these comments.
Brüno: Austria Gay TV - YouTube [/quote]
Haha, so true. The people commenting about not knowing the whole movie was going to be gay have obviously never watched the Ali G show before. I mean you could have noticed from previews for the movie that it would be about that.
I still think the part where he met up with the terrorist was crazy. I think that guy was about to behead him.
Some of the best shit from his movies is when he has real people making complete asses of themselves.
Like one of the moms he interviewed: “Well, I guess as a last resort, if she couldn’t lose the couple of pounds, I’d be all for liposuction”
[quote]Dabba wrote:
strungoutboy21 wrote:
I thought it was hilarious. It was my kind of humor. I can see why some people don’t like it though. Maybe if you are a homophobe or an uptight conservative christian.
Right…because you have to be a homophobe to not want to see 2 hours of penis and man ass. I for one didn’t know that this movie would be about him being gay. I thought that would be a PART of the comedy, but not that it would be entirely based off it.[/quote]
Are you kidding me?
[quote]prospa7 wrote:
sacha cohen is nothing more than an attention whore[/quote]
I dunno I felt the movie did a very good job of drawing attention to homophobia while providing a laugh. Mexican furniture scene was GREAT as well for similar reasons.
[quote]strungoutboy21 wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
Some of you are some exaggerating fools.
and obviously unfamiliar with the original Da Ali G Show by the sound of a lot of these comments.
Haha, so true. The people commenting about not knowing the whole movie was going to be gay have obviously never watched the Ali G show before. I mean you could have noticed from previews for the movie that it would be about that.
I still think the part where he met up with the terrorist was crazy. I think that guy was about to behead him.[/quote]
No, I haven’t watched the Ali G show. Was that a prerequisite for watching this movie? I honestly thought he was just going to be some borderline gay fashion freak in the movie, not a gay porn star. Like I said, parts of this movie were funny, but some of you just have no damn standards when it comes to movies it seems. Borat was all about how he was culturally/socially ignorant…and it was really funny. That’s what I based my assumption for Bruno on.
I really get annoyed when people pass off judgment on Sacha Baron Cohen for just looking at the shock value of Borat or Bruno. The man is a comedic genius. It’s just unfortunate it doesn’t translate well to the big screen.
Da Ali G Show is absolutely phenomenal. All three characters have great personas that allow them great versatility without overlap. Ali G interviews very intelligent, powerful people and makes a fool of himself. Borat makes people feel uncomfortable as he introduces them to a VERY unfamiliar culture. Bruno is brilliant because he makes complete fools of the idiots in the fashion industry.
Here’s where the Bruno movie went wrong, at least one fundamental problem: confusion of roles.
In the television show, Bruno is ‘dominant,’ making fun of the fashionistas, exploiting their lack of intellect. However, in the movie, there was some of that mixed with the Ali G characteristic of being the fool. It took away from his integrity and threw off the character’s balance.
I also think that Borat was much more entertaining as it was (or seemed to be) about 98% real. Bruno seemed to have far less realism and much more staging.
I just got done watching Ali G in Da House. It was entertaining, very silly, but a good representation of his character. Nothing could be better than the show, though! That’s where Cohen shines!
Here was one of my favorite lines, by the way:
“I vuz going to be the biggest gay Austrian celebrity since Arnold Schwarzenegger!”
It was so quick and subtle. Sly move.
[quote]nz6stringaxe wrote:
Here was one of my favorite lines, by the way:
“I vuz going to be the biggest gay Austrian celebrity since Arnold Schwarzenegger!”
It was so quick and subtle. Sly move.[/quote]
I thought the line was about him being the biggest name out of Austria since Hitler?
it was funny. it was not as funny as the other two movies. he made his best points about politics, stage parents and superficial social consciousness (the charity organizers). the talk show reaction to the exploitation of the baby was good, especially when the security guards surrounded him. the hunters were great the way they were suffering waiting for the night to be over so they could get away from him. the swingers, when he got whupped, hilarious. his agent was awesome the way he kept that kook as a client and handled the disastrous show pitch.
That was another one. I liked the Nazi references quite a bit just since people tend to stray from that for safety, but he said the other one too.
i loved his decision making process that he had to stop liking guys to be famous like tom cruise and john travolta. hysterical. the zing to mel gibson was funny. the arial map of each country was cool (the USA as denim with LA as a diamond).
[quote]Dabba wrote:
No, I haven’t watched the Ali G show. Was that a prerequisite for watching this movie? I honestly thought he was just going to be some borderline gay fashion freak in the movie, not a gay porn star. Like I said, parts of this movie were funny, but some of you just have no damn standards when it comes to movies it seems. Borat was all about how he was culturally/socially ignorant…and it was really funny. That’s what I based my assumption for Bruno on.[/quote]
i havent seen the movie myself so i cant say whether the movie is actually good or bad. for all i know it could suck. i didnt think Borat was that funny tbh. but saying you didn’t know the movie was going to be all about homosexual jokes is like me going to see X-Men 3 and not knowing it was going to be all about mutants and Wolverine just because i didn’t read comic books.
Do you remember the zing to Gibson?? I missed it, I was busy laughing at Bradolf Pittler.
The movie was about a gay 19 year old GAY Austrian who wanted to be the next biggest celbrity since Hitler, and the biggest Gay Celeb since Schwarzenegger. I don’t know what could be funnier.
I thought the scene where he went to the psychic and gave (Can’t even remember the guys name), spirit a blow and rim job was so fucking funny. Also the whole hotel scene where him and his Gay assistant are strapped together with every homosexual toy there was and how he wanted to hotel manager to change the channel on the TV and the remote was up his ass, also had me dying.
Overall hilarious< I think it’s dumb to go into that movie not knowing it was going to be extremely gay. The fact that everyone is so oblivious to Sacha being a fraud is the, true comedy in these films and I think it’s great.
[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
I thought the scene where he went to the psychic and gave (Can’t even remember the guys name), spirit a blow and rim job was so fucking funny. Also the whole hotel scene where him and his Gay assistant are strapped together with every homosexual toy there was and how he wanted to hotel manager to change the channel on the TV and the remote was up his ass, also had me dying.[/quote]
I completely forgot about these two scenes… those were epic!
My personal favorite was the CBS audition tape scene. Was completely shocked when I saw that helicopter on video, but it was absolutely hilarious.
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
nothing can be funnier than “thats such a susan thing to say”[/quote]
you mean “samantha.”
…cough… what?