Saving TRT Stock While on Test Cycle

Hey, I’m 39 y/o and have been on TRT for 5 years. Currently at 160mg Test C weekly. Blood work 3 days before next pin has me at 994. Estradiol is 50.2. I’m starting a cycle of straight Test E 250mg bi-weekly. Also with .5 Arimidex EOD. For 10 weeks. Nolvadex on hand. I’ve spent countless hours researching over 5-6 months. Only question I have is should I save my TRT vials which are 200mg so that I can run a 12 week cycle? All my research has resulted in no info on this. Thanks in advance. I apologize about posting ANOTHER one of those first cycle and TRT questions.

Save the vials as opposed to…

As opposed to the 160mg of TRT weekly as well. I’m only double checking. I’m confident that I already know the answer. “No TRT dose needed” on cycle

No TRT dose needed on cycle. You just need to decide how much test you want to blast with and then revert back to your TRT dose when complete. I think you have too much adex in there, FYI. Are you running any currently with your TRT dose? If not, I wouldn’t go over 1mg per week.

To be clear you mean twice a week, not once ever other week, correct? Because biweekly can mean either of those. Just double checking.

Thank you. And yes, twice a week. Monday morning and Thursday evening.

Thanks on the recommendation of lowering adex. So much info out there it makes it hard to really judge the dose. I’m going to research a bit more on no adex. If gunk shows, I’ve got the novla

Forgot to mention, I don’t take an E blocker on TRT.

You really need to read this thread Cycle Log Coming

PhysioloJik is an endo who treats TRT patients. He advocates no AI at all and only SERMs (he uses Nolvaldex).