Safety of Using Old Vials

Just want to know what the general opinion is here about finishing up vials used in a previous cycle. Worried about the possibility of bacterial buildup and possible infection.

I have about 3mL of test cyp in a vial from previous cycle, about 3 months ago. Visually it looks okay. No color change, no murkiness, no precipitates. Swabbed the top of vial before drawing.

Do you guys reuse gear? or just toss it and start with fresh vial?

I figure the BA content could help with keeping it sterile, but the only answers I could find were Bros telling other Bros not to worry and use it lol

Why do you think its stored in a vial? Lol

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Why do you think its stored in a vial? Lol[/quote]
Well thanks for making my question seem stupid now lol just not sure what most people do. It’s not like I can just ask anyone for advice

Anyway I went ahead and did a 1mL shot, give it a week and see how it goes

Haha didnt mean to come off like that but as long as you dont use gigantic needles to pierce the vial and cause permanent holes youll be good

the shit stays good for years man, you’re cool

^ this…using watson test cyp now on a cycle that expired 1yr ago. Gains are just fine…shits working like a charm. I think they stay good much much longer than the exp date on box.

[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
^ this…using watson test cyp now on a cycle that expired 1yr ago. Gains are just fine…shits working like a charm. I think they stay good much much longer than the exp date on box. [/quote]

The question wasn’t really about expiration though. It was about previously pierced vials. I have always wondered myself if the alcohol would be enough to keep it viable for months or if I should just toss it out. I always figured it’s so cheap, I’ll just get more. From what everyone is saying I may just give it a shot.

thanks for the replies. It never hurts to be a little cautious especially when injecting yourself with chemicals. I just started an amazing job and didn’t want to run into any complications due to infection.

Its been 3 days since the shot and it’s allll good. Barely any PIP either.

There’s an awesome feeling at the beginning of a cycle knowing you’re in for some big gains