Ryuubane's: Recomp-a-saurus Rex

Thursday: 5/12/11

Weight: 229.4 lbs

[Pre-Workout Nutrition]
1 g green tea extract
24 oz sugar free crystal light

[AM Cardio]
Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/3.0 Speed): 30 Minutes

A) Calf Press:
150 lbs (5x15) {*1 Minute Stretch on Calf Press}

B) Uni-Lateral Leg Press:
100 lbs (3x20)

C) Seated Leg Curls:
100 x 20
150 (2x20)
150 x 20 (+ 20 Partials)

D) Leg Press:
300 x 20
350 x 20
All x 30

E) Elevated Hip Bridges:
BW (2x20)

1 Minute Stretch: Quads/Hams/Glutes/Adductors

[Post-Workout Nutrition]
5 g glutamine
5 g glycine
5 g creatine
1/2 tsp salt
32 oz water
sugar free red bull
1 multi-vitamin
1 calcium/vit D
6 oz beef

My hamstring held up fairly well. It felt a little funny during uni-lateral leg press and stretching it. Stretching was pretty light for that hamstring. I’m just happy I could do some type of leg training although it seemed quite a pittiful session. Keep on roll’n!

Friday: 5/13/11

Weight: 230 lbs

[AM Cardio]
30 Minutes of Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/ 3.0 Speed)

A1) Push-Downs: V-Bar
Stack (5x10)
A2) Cross Body Hammer Curls:
35’s (5x10)

B1) Dumbbell Extensions w/rotation:
40’s (3x10)
30’s (2x10)
B2) Cambered Bar Drag Curls:
65 lbs (5x10)

C1) Wrist Curls:
50 lbs (5x10)
C2) Reverse Wrist Curls:
20 lbs (5x10)

*Some extra band work for upper back: 4 Ways (3x10)

1 Minute Stretches: Bi’s/Tri’s/Forearms/Shoulders/Upper Back

Strangely I was breathing hard. I didn’t have any pains and just had a great workout. Gotta take progress pics tomorrow and get food ready for next week.

Saturday: 5/14/11

[AM Cardio]
1 hour Walking outside

Saturday: 5/14/11



Saturday: 5/14/11

*Starting next Monday I’ll be following this diet scheme now that I’m “fat adapted” and will be done with the 2 week induction phase:
Kcals: 2,721
Fat: 186.5 grams (61% of kcals)
Protein: 229.6 grams (34% of kcals)
Carbs: 36.4 grams of which 12.2 are fiber (5% or less of kcals)

*I will drop 100-250 kcals from fat as needed.

*I’ll still be doing AM moderate intensity cardio and adding 5 minutes a day as needed. I would rather do more cardio instead of reducing kcals but we shall see.

Monday: 5/16/11

Weight: 232.8 lbs
[AM Cardio]
35 Minutes Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/ 3.0 Speed)

Dynamic Upper Body Stretching: 2 Way x 30 Reps

[Training] 1 Minute Rest on all.
A) Machine Rows
150 x 10
175 x 10
200 (3x10)

B) Smith Machine Shrugs: 3 second squeeze at top.
135 x 10
155 (4x10)

C1) Face-Pulls: 1 second squeeze at back.
#9 (5x10)
C2) Band Pull-Aparts: 1 second squeeze at back.
Orange Mini (5x12)

D) Wide Grip Pull-Downs: w/straps; meadows style
175 x 10
185 (4x10)

1 Minute Stretches: Lat’s/Rear Delt’s/Upper Back/Traps

[Extra PM Training]
A1) Reverse Hypers
BW (2x20)
A2) Sit-Ups
BW (2x20)

Everything felt pretty good today. Keep on keeping on!

Tuesday: 5/17/11

Weight: 230 lbs

[Pre-Workout Nutrition]
1 Low Carb Rockstar
1 g green tea extract

[AM Cardio]
Treadmill Walking 35 Minutes (3 Incline/ 3.0 Speed)

Upper Body Dynamic Stretching: 2 Ways x 30 Reps

A) Fat Gripz/Band Barbell Bench: (1 Mini Band behind back)
Bar x 10
Bar + Band x 10
95/Band x 10
115/Band x 10
135/Band x 10
155/Band x 10
135/Band x 10

B) Dumbbell Fat Gripz Slight Incline Bench:
50’s x 10
60’s (4x10)

C1) Machine Chest Press: (wide grip) *machine feels off-centered and won’t use again
100 x 10
150 x 10
200 x 10
200 x 10
150 x 15
C2) Meadows Band Stretch for Chest:
orange band (4x10)
orange band x 15

D) Machine Lateral Raises:
75 x 10
100 (2x10)
75 (2x10)

E) Lateral Band Swings:
Red Band x (3x20)

1 Minute Stretches: Pec’s/Shoulders

[Post-Workout Nutrition]
2 servings chocolate whey isolate
5 g creatine
5 g glutamine
5 g glycine
8 fish oil
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp natty peanut butter
32 oz water

Well, the machine chest press and meadow’s stretch bothered my shoulder so I probably won’t be utilizing them again.

Wednesday: 5/18/11

Weight: 227.8 lbs

[Pre-Workout Nutrition]
1 low carb Rockstar
1 g green tea extract

[AM Cardio]
35 Minutes Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/ 3.0 Speed)

Had a strange drop in weight from yesterday. Could be water weight or stomach content. Eat your veggies bruh!!!

Thursday: 5/19/11

Weight: 228.6 lbs

*Today: Sick as a dog. Went to doc and have bad sinus infection. On some meds and feel awful. Trained anyway though.

[AM Cardio]
35 Minutes Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/ 3.0 Speed)

A) Lying Leg Curls (home version):
25 lbs x 20
50 lbs (5x10)

B) Olympic Stance Squats:
Bar x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1 *Haven’t squatted since my back get messed up so stopped here for safety purposes.

C1) Elevated Hip Bridges:
BW (3x20)
C2) Alternating Reverse Lunges (12 inch deficit):
BW (3x10)

D) Rocking Calf Raises:
BW (5x10)

1 Minute Stretches: All major lower body muscles

Well, considering I’m sick and this is the first time to squat in a very long time I’m quite satisfied. The squats felt heavy going down then I would blast up almost like I was floating. It was very strange to feel so strong coming up. I was just barely getting depth (crease of shorts/hips below knees). Gotta keep my momentum.

Friday: 5/20/11

Weight: 229 lbs

[AM Cardio]
35 Minutes Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/3 Speed)

A1) Reverse Press-Downs:
#10 x 10
#14 x 10
Stack (2x10)
Stack + 10 x 10
A2) Cross Body Hammer Curlz:
30’s x 10
40’s (3x10)
35’s x 10

B1) Dumbbell Extensions w/Rotation:
40’s x 10
45’s x 10
40’s (3x10)
B2) Cambered Bar Drag Curlz:
75 lbs (5x10)

C1) Wrist Curlz:
60 lbs (3x15)
C2) Reverse Wrist Curlz:
30 lbs (3x15)

D) Mini-Band Pull-Aparts:
1 x 50
1 x 30

E) Face-Pulls:
#7 x 32
#7 x 21

1 Minute Stretches: Tri’s/Bi’s/Forearms/Upper Back

Still pretty sick but I managed to get a good workout regardless. Don’t stop, get it get it…

Saturday: 5/21/11

[AM Cardio]
Outside Walking 27 Minutes




Monday: 5/23/11

Weight: 230

[Post Workout Nutrition]
1 low carb Rockstar
1 g green tea extract

[AM Training]
35 Minutes Treadmill Walking (3 Incline/3 Speed)

A) Machine Rows
200 x 10
225 (3x10)
200 x 10

B) Smith Shrugs w/straps: 3 second hold
135 x 10
185 (4x10)

C1) Rear Delt Rows:
40’s (5x10)
C2) Face Pulls:
#7 (5x15)

D) Meadow’s Pull-Downs w/straps:
185 (3x10)
175 x 10
165 x 10

1 Minute Stretches: Rear Delts/Traps/Lat’s/Neck

[Post Workout Nutrition]
2 servings chocolate whey isolate
2 tbsp natty peanut butter
5 g creatine
5 g glycine
5 g glutamine
1 calcium/vit D
1 Multi-vit
32 oz water

I still feel awful from being sick but I am still getting stronger on my lifts. Never give up…

[Extra PM Session]
A1) Reverse Hypers
BW (3x15)
A2) Rocking Calves
BW (3x15)
A3) Sit-Ups
BW (3x15)

Tuesday: 5/24/11

Weight: 228.4

[AM Cardio]
Treadmill Walking 35 Minutes (3 Incline/ 3 Speed)

A) Barbell Bench:
135 x 10
185 x 10
135 x 10
155 (2x10)

B) Dumbbell Incline Bench:
60’s (3x10)
50’s (2x10)

C) Dumbbell Flat Bench w/rotation:
40’s (5x10)

D) Machine Lateral Raises:
100 (5x10)

E) Side Rows:
25’s (5x10)

1 Minute Stretches: Pec’s/Shoulders

Well, I’m still feeling sick and my shoulder started bothering me on the barbell bench press. Oh well, perseverance is what I need.

Wednesday: 5/25/11

Weight: 226.4 lbs

[AM Cardio]
Treadmill Walking 35 Minutes (3 Incline/ 3 Speed)

I’m glad my weight is going down and I actually don’t feel as sick. I’m starting to love non-training days.

Starting to see some shape there! Keep it up, and you’ll look nothing like when you started. Where you’re at now is pretty frustrating, slow progress and feeling week, - keep on. The strength comes back when you start eating again.