Rules at This 'Health Club'

So what were the old rules?

I lift at a college gym and as such have to deal with all the usual squat rack curlers/ bro’s/ and the like. However, they’re actually good about letting you make a lot of noise. They have that super thick rubber padding under each bench, and have an oly/deadlift platform where you can drop 300lbs and no one cares.

My problem with #1 is more about being “too loud” rather than droping the weights. The front desk is only 30 or 40 feet away and when you have iron plates clanking together or course they will hear it up front.

[quote]tjamesdavis wrote:
deal with it, or work out at home. rules are rules whether they are stupid or not, take your business somewhere else if it effects your workout that much.[/quote]

I took my business elsewhere, thanks.

[quote]artw wrote:
I have the exact same sign over my bed, minus #1. I wanna hear that weight droppin’.[/quote]

This isn’t getting enough love. I laughed.

That is why I like my gym, most of the people who train there are pretty clueless but they just let me get on and train.

If you loudly drop weights, someone will probably whistle but as a piss take, have never been given grief over it.

Chalk I’m sure would be fine, if only I could find somewhere here that sold it.

I have trained barefoot with no issue.

[quote]elano wrote:
tjamesdavis wrote:
deal with it, or work out at home. rules are rules whether they are stupid or not, take your business somewhere else if it effects your workout that much.

I took my business elsewhere, thanks.[/quote]

good man. hopefully enough guys like you do this, and the gym realizes that their dumb rules should be altered so they can cater to everyone.

[quote]tjamesdavis wrote:
elano wrote:
tjamesdavis wrote:
deal with it, or work out at home. rules are rules whether they are stupid or not, take your business somewhere else if it effects your workout that much.

I took my business elsewhere, thanks.

good man. hopefully enough guys like you do this, and the gym realizes that their dumb rules should be altered so they can cater to everyone. [/quote]

They never will be able to cater to everyone. Never. Trying to do so is foolish. I work in a gym. I know where the money comes from. Personal training, something most serious and dedicated people on this site have no interest in and people who sign up and never show up.

[quote]deadlift655 wrote:
tjamesdavis wrote:
elano wrote:
tjamesdavis wrote:
deal with it, or work out at home. rules are rules whether they are stupid or not, take your business somewhere else if it effects your workout that much.

I took my business elsewhere, thanks.

good man. hopefully enough guys like you do this, and the gym realizes that their dumb rules should be altered so they can cater to everyone.

They never will be able to cater to everyone. Never. Trying to do so is foolish. I work in a gym. I know where the money comes from. Personal training, something most serious and dedicated people on this site have no interest in and people who sign up and never show up.

Right, and I understand this - so I’m not arguing with you - it is always about the $$$. I just don’t like how certain rules automatically “black ball” certain types of gym rats. There should be no rules when it comes to stuff like that.

IMO, gyms should operate like this “Everyone is invited, lift how you want, get fit and healthy by whatever means you enjoy.”

I never understood the concept of not working out somewhere because you don’t like the way somebody else works out. When I go to the gym, I am concentrated on myself and what I need to accomplish. Not whether some guy is in the corner deadlifting 800 lbs and making noise tons of noise, or if there is some 17 year old kid doing curls in the squat rack, or if there is a lady working out only a bosu ball.

but that’s just the way I see things.

[quote]CDQAR24 wrote:
So Nards, what kind of lifter are you?

1: Agreed…don’t drop weights if you’re not an Olympic lifter…which I doubt you are.
–As pointed out earlier, sometimes the bar slips. Oh, but that’s when one is trying to progress.

2: Well, be sure you’re the kind of guy that actually NEEDS chaulk(sic) then we’ll talk.
–Define please. Seems like anyone who doesn’t want the bar to slip from their hands…or am I missing something?

3: Jeans? flip-flops? Who’d wear those anyway?
–The jeans I’ll give ya, but to play devil’s advo, how about the guy who was running late that morning and doesn’t have anything else right then? The flops…uh, yeah, that would be me. That’s as close to bare foot I’m willing to go in a public place and while I’m looking into the Vibrams…$1.50 vs $80 hmmmmmmmm. Seems like an extra $78.50 for protein to me.


Do not wear flip flops.

My biggest deadlift is nothing to write home about, 385 for 5x5, my ‘excuse’ is that I easily yhrow my back out, so dropping it is not something I want to do, Ineed to control it the whole way.
I don’t even know where to get chalk where I am, so never bothered.

I just wanna know what the fuck “chaulk” is.


Alternative spellings
chalk (American)
From Old English cealc, borrowed from Latin calx (â??limestoneâ??), borrowed from Ancient Greek �?�¬�»�¹�¾ (khaliks, â??pebbleâ??).

In other words, it sounds like another case of the Brits adding a vowel (or did the Americans take one away)?

I’ve been training in my college gym since I started school, never been happier. No PTs, no supervisor. If I need to scream to get that last squat up, no one bitches at me. Most of the plates, save for the bumper plates, aren’t rubberized, so loading plates can get real noisy. In some odd way though, my progress has been coming along a bit quicker now that I’m allowed to ‘let loose.’ I’d say if the environment in your gym is so restrained that, on a psychological level at least, it affects your workouts, it was probably wise to ditch it.

Guess I have a good gym too. We can make noise if we want to, they have a chalk bin in the weight room, drink whatever the F you want, leave your gym bag on the floor (out of the way) in the weight room if you want to. They have signs up that say if you must drop the weights, do it in a way that both ends hit the floor together. They put that up because some one dropped a metal dumbbell and the thing broke in the middle and flew back up hitting him in the face. He was OK but they put up the sign the next day to cover their asses.

I went to a Planet Fitness with a co-worker and they actually had a sign painted on the wall, “No Lunking” I asked the WTF that meant and they said it was grunting while lifting.

i consider myself lucky even though i go to a " family gym" its got plenty of heavy weights and its pretty spacious without all the retarded rules. i deadlift and sometimes yea it comes slippin out and crashin on the ground. but all in all bottom line is dont act like a retard. if u have to let everyone know your there. theres a line between a grunt and trying to attract the soccer moms on the treadmills.

[quote]davidcox1 wrote:

Alternative spellings
chalk (American)
From Old English cealc, borrowed from Latin calx (�¢??limestone�¢??), borrowed from Ancient Greek �??�?�¬�?�»�?�¹�?�¾ (khaliks, �¢??pebble�¢??).

In other words, it sounds like another case of the Brits adding a vowel (or did the Americans take one away)?[/quote]

Brits also spell it Chalk, never experienced anyone using ‘chaulk’

If you spell it that way (CHAULK) I bet you pronounce the L too.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Dont drop the weights when you deadlift, problem solved. [/quote]


There was a guy doing deads yesterday and he was slamming the weight down every stinking rep, it was driving me crazy. Especially because he only had 305 on the bar, I wanted to run over and slap him in the face.

Ok, I thought I had a normal gym where this silly shit doesnt happen. I guess I jinxed myself by reading these posts last night. Here’s my story:
I go in this morning and there are 3 other people in the weight room. None of them really in shape. Where it gets humorous is two of them are working together and they look like Daryl and his other brother Daryl. They were doing standing curls with the EZ curl bar using 40 lbs of weight on it. The other guy was bench pressing all over the weight room. He had the flat, incline and decline benches set up with plates.

But it gets comical when I notice that all of them are wearing (rather proudly too) weightlifting belts. Maybe they hold in the beer gut or something. If you need a belt to do curls, then you either need major back surgery or you’re doing them wrong. Same thing with bench pressing. Now I’m not against the belt. I strap one on when I squat or deadlift heavy - then I take it off when I’m done.

Then it gets better, the two dudes with their belts go over to the squat rack. They each take just the bar and do like 15 warm up squats. Funny part is they make sure they set the safety crossbars for the warm up with zero weight (still wearing the belts). And the whole time they are each doing their warm up sets, they shout words of encouragement to each other. “Come on. One more. You can do it” Mind you there is no weight on the bar.

One of the pair kept grunting loudly everytime he lifted. I was literally trying not to laugh out loud the whole time.

[quote]DeadliftDave wrote:
I got bitched at by the Fitness club Nazi for carrying my training log around with me and putting it under the bench during sets…

I got bitched at by same Nazi for doing a super set in a practically empty gym because I was “hogging” the equipment…

Same chick for drinking a PWO drink on my way out of gym because “water is the only drink allowed.” I was 15ft from the damn door…

I got bitched at for answering my phone in the locker room because it could have been a master plot to photo naked middle aged men with my camera phone…

I got bitched at for stacking up some 45s under a bench to create a decline effect…

I got bitched at for not using clips when warming up…

… for not having a spotter…

for grunting during a set…

But its a free gym with nice equipment so whatever. [/quote]

How do you know that they are a member of the National Socialist party?

But I agree,thoese are pretty ridiculous. Hopefully,This new gym im joining (LA Fitness) is more understanding to my plight.