Ruin a Wish!

^way to ruin it

I wish I was riding a giraffe while eating tiger ice cream

^you will, but first the giraffe will ride you, with no ass cream.

And then, when you finish, a dog leaves a steamer on your freshly laundered bed. Which disappoints your mother.

I wish I had no more navel hair.

^ Granted. Your dog eats all your navel hair and then leaves it in a steamer on your bed.

I wish evil dogs would stop leaving steamers everywhere.

[quote]latspread wrote:
^you will, but first the giraffe will ride you, with no ass cream.

And then, when you finish, a dog leaves a steamer on your freshly laundered bed. Which disappoints your mother.

I wish I had no more navel hair.[/quote]

You don’t, but now you shit out of your navel.

I wish I farted rainbows.

Granted. But now you piss hot sauce.

I wish i had some hot sauce.

^Granted. Oh wait, that’s not hot sauce, that’s seaman.

I wish I was a real boy.

[quote]VonStinkle wrote:
Granted. But now you piss hot sauce.

I wish i had some hot sauce.[/quote]

Granted, but it’s my piss.

I wish I could fuck Megan Fox and Isabel Lucas at the same time.

Granted. So now you have herpes too…

I wish i was herpes free

Granted, but now ct. rockula is leaving a hot steamer in you bed

I wish I didn’t say ^ bad mental image

Granted, but now ct. rockula is leaving a steamer on your face. It starts on your forehead and slowly dribbles down, covering your eyes, your ears, your nose and into your mouth…The last thing you see before the shit blocks your vision, is his asshole puckering up…

I wish I could cum from a blowjob

You do, but only to find that you came in your father’s mouth

I wish I was able to write funny post

LOL ahhhhaaahhahahahahahahh LMAO That shit ROCKED! lol fucking hilarious (i think i just peed my pants) hehehehe. WIN! you OWNED that muther fucker! LOL!!! HA HA HA (ad infinitum…)

(Then you woke up and realized the OP left a steamer on your keyboard)

I wish I had a 14" giant COCK!

[quote]angry chicken wrote:
LOL ahhhhaaahhahahahahahahh LMAO That shit ROCKED! lol fucking hilarious (i think i just peed my pants) hehehehe. WIN! you OWNED that muther fucker! LOL!!! HA HA HA (ad infinitum…)

(Then you woke up and realized the OP left a steamer on your keyboard)

I wish I had a 14" giant COCK![/quote]

Granted. But you can’t get it up even with viagra.

I wish I could afford to try 11-T. Just once.

[quote]krazykoukides wrote:

Granted. But you can’t get it up even with viagra.

I wish I could afford to try 11-T. Just once.[/quote]

Granted. But the money that you use to buy it is from a card from your grandma, hoping that you get better from your bilateral testicular cancer.

I wish I could have sex with Megan Fox.

[quote]Xab wrote:

Granted. But the money that you use to buy it is from a card from your grandma, hoping that you get better from your bilateral testicular cancer.

I wish I could have sex with Megan Fox. [/quote]

Granted. But right at orgasm I pop out of nowhere and stab you in the kidney.

I wish I could do it again.

[quote]krazykoukides wrote:

Granted. But right at orgasm I pop out of nowhere and stab you in the kidney.

I wish I could do it again.[/quote]

Granted, since I have two kidneys. However, the second time, I’m wearing a Kidney Blocker 2000, so the blade breaks and ricochets into your eye, blinding you and making you taste colors. Also, you shit yourself every 30 minutes from there on.

I wish I could accurately predict lottery numbers and stock trends.

Granted, But as you do it again, the cops show up and take you to JAIL, where Bubba lays a steamer on your chest and makes you toss his salad while the inmates chant, “blood on my knife or shit on my dick”

I wish I could sleep

You can but every night when you sleep Ronnie Coleman leaves a hot steamer in your bed.

I wish I could meet Ronnie coleman

[quote]Xab wrote:

I wish I could accurately predict lottery numbers and stock trends. [/quote]

granted but now you are class of 2009…oh wait

[quote]SquatDeep385 wrote:
You can but every night when you sleep Ronnie Coleman leaves a hot steamer in your bed.

I wish I could meet Ronnie coleman[/quote]

You get to meet Ronnie Coleman, right as he stomps a mudhole in your ass because you were standing between him and a big ass juicy steak.

I wish that science and the Republican party will do the right thing and nominate Zombie Reagan for president in 2012.

Edit: I think chicken would wake up with Ronnie Coleman doing that. Not from the shitting, mind you, but from him screaming, “YEAH BABY, LIGHTWEIGHT! THIS IS WHY YA EAT YOUR FIBER!”