[quote]Mick28 wrote:
I do think that he is the preferred candidate of the 16 and 17 year old crowd. Does that mean that the majority of Paul followers are 16 and 17 years old?
Once again your logic sucks along with most of your political ideas.[/quote]
You don’t like the guy and you made that clear. However, you just focus on ad hominems and making fun of his fan base instead of going after his arguments. You relentlessly call his followers nasty names and other derogatory terms. You insist on shouting from the rooftops that the man will never win.
It is obvious that you see Paul as a serious contender for the '08 presidential elections. Else, you wouldn’t actively (and, may I add vainly) try to undermine the growth of his movement.
I am no expert in politics and have never claimed to be so. I merely share my viewpoint. But if you must know my position, here it goes: a non-belligerent president whose program is bound to strengthen the dollar is a good thing. The Moroccan Dirham is linked to the US dollar (yes, the idiots!) and the recent down spiral is putting serious dents in my savings and investments back home. And of course, a world where an America can prosper (live and let live) without giving ammo to the radicals around the world, makes for a comforting vision; one of peace, love, and understanding. Call me every name in the book, but I do really do believe mitigating the US’ interventionist policy is a key issue in walking towards that goal. But I digress…
You say that Paul is “the preferred candidate of the 16 and 17 year old crowd” and infer that his ideas are childish. That’s the logic I have a problem with. If Ron Paul’s message is making kids interested in what’s going on in their country, more power to him. Making teenagers passionate about anything other than sex, drugs, and rock & roll is no easy feat. In a country where so little people bother to cast ballots, it is certainly even more impressive.
Quit propagating silly stereotypes. Ron Paul might not be the richest or the most present in the media, but his crowd is as loud as they could possibly get. They represent an organized grassroots movement to reclaim what America is about. Paul is just a figure and is taking a ride. Now please, stop your childish attitude, and try bringing real arguments to the table, or proposing alternatives.
And no, “he has no chance of winning” is not an argument. Open your eyes; Paul is having more support from T-people than any other candidate - by far!