Do you think robbing drug dealers should be punished as vigourously? Now hear me out…when ppl decided to sell drugs, they know or should know the risks. They may have to deal with dirty cops or stick up kids. Just like when i worked in the plant, I might go to work and a piece of metal put out my eye. Furthermore, drug dealers are profiting off the misery of others.
So should the penalty for robbing them be as stiff as the penalty for robbing a law abiding citizen who goes to work everyday? Your thoughts and comments…
Would a drug dealer really go to the cops? Someone who had enough drugs to be worth robbing probably is smarter than to do that, and has other means of getting his shit back.
[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
How would there be a legal penalty? It’s not like the drug dealer is going to run to the cops saying someone stole their product.[/quote]
I meant if somehow they get found out by the police.
Drug dealers won’t go to the police if you jack their shit but you better start packing and watching your back after that because they’ll do all they can to find out who you are and hunt you down, either kill you or beat you to a diarrhea pulp.
Not all of them are. Not everyone looking to score some drugs is miserable or even in danger of becoming miserable from some recreational use.
Robbing a drug dealer sounds completely ridiculous. [/quote]
spoken like a true drug dealer! Or a lawyer! Kinda funny how you can interchange the two like that.
Dealers deserved to be robbed IMO. They are partaking in a criminal activity so if a criminal act is imposed on them they can’t really complain or do shit but handle it themselves. The idea of Javier the Colombian going to the county police and yelling “those rotten mtherfkcen kids stole my crack!” is crack-up (pun intended).
I kind of scoffed at the question at first but now I find it kind of interesting. Morally I have only minor qualms about robbing someone of ill gotten gains. Still what makes YOU entitled to those ill gotten gains. You can only do that if you turn around and give it all to charity.
And practically I think its a bad idea. It jeopordizes the safety of you, the drug dealers, and innocent bystanders when the retaliation starts.
Also don’t rob a pot dealer. That aint cool.
Heres a wrinkle. Say I find Alcohol to be evil. Can I rob a liquor store? I can tell you this I don’t give a fuck what the government deems a legally regulated product and what isnt. That is legal hocus pocus right there.
It is very common. When I was a youth the area I lived in had a lot of drug activity and sometimes the drug dealers on the corner got robbed. I used to chuckle when I heard about it cuz it had a certain ring of justice to it. Then when the blood bath of retribution started I kinda stopped chuckling.
I believe preventing robbery is the first Crack Commandment obvserve: