Road Back to Awesomeness After Nerve Injury


Here’s what I did today:

  1. Worked up in sets of for Zercher’s squats. Only up to 175 lbs. Did med ball throws between sets.

  2. 5x5 at FSL for bench (155 lbs). Did 10 rows between, so got 5x10 inverted ring rows.

  3. Circuit 5x through:
    5 reps of TB DL at 185lbs
    10 pull ups
    10 ring dips

That’s it for today.

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Today was (still is) busy, but wanted to get something in:
3 rounds shadowboxing.
Bodyweight circuit of push ups, pull ups, squats, rollouts (only 10 of each)
5 minutes on Airdyne

5 rounds of heavy bag (main work of the day)

Finished with one max set of 45 lb DB curls, and 1 mile ride on Airdyne.


531 BP: 5’s PRO but did a set of 10 at the 85% (205 lbs). Supersetted with Med ball throws and pull aparts.
5x5 FSL of push presses (115 lbs). Supersetted with 5x10 ring chin ups.

Circuit 5x through:
SG SLDL with 95 lbs 10 reps
Inverted rings rows 10 reps
Read delt raises 10 reps


10 miles on Airdyne bike

5 rounds of boxing


So I tried a 0.5 mile run today. The first I’ve done in 4 months. My leg felt okay, but certainly I can feel the straining of tendons/etc… that are still weak and recovering. I will wear a brace the rest of the day to rest this dorsiflex motion, and try again tomorrow if I feel good.

Still, I can get my lifting in. Today was tough:

531 Squats 5’s PRO (up to 230 lbs), supersetted 7x10 pull ups

BBB Squats at 175 lbs, supersetted each squat set with 10 rings dips and 10 rows.

I’ll be feeling this tomorrow.

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10 miles on the Airdyne bike. Took about 29 minutes (my goal is sub-30 minutes for this conditioning. Not too fast; but you have to keep a sustained effort to do it).

Really boring, though. And I have to talk myself into finishing it each time. “Maybe I’ll stop at 5 miles. Ok, I’ll keep going, but stop at 20 minutes. Ok, ok. I’ll finish the damn thing.”

Listened to Grateful Dead Live at Cornell. In 29 minutes, almost heard two full songs!

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531 OHP as 5’s PRO. Worked up to 115 lbs (keeping things light). Supersetting the 531 sets with 40 HLR’s and 30 SLDL’s.

50 OHP reps at FSL (85 lbs). Supersetted to get a total of 60 ring pull ups and 100 band pull aparts.

Next workout I am going to to do a DL/BP hybrid workout by combining a Dan John workout for the main lifts, and doing supplemental/assistance work 531-style.


conditioning day:

0.75 mile run (note: this is the longest I have ran since my drop foot. It felt weird/good to start up again. I want to slowly build. I don’t have full mobility back, but enough that I want to strengthen it).

Skill practice: front lever holds

3 rounds boxing

100 push ups, 30 hanging leg raises

3 more rounds of boxing


I am not doing a separate deadlift day. So did a bit of a combo with BP:

Work up in 2’s to a double bodyweight DL (which comes to about 360 lbs these days)

Then did a BP workout 531-krypteia-style:

531 5’s PRO up to 205 lbs
5x10 at 160 lbs
Supersetted entire time with weighted 10 ring pull ups (+18 lbs) and 10 SLDL’s with shrugs (45 lb DB in each hand). Total of 50 each for assistance moves.

Started with strength/skill work again:

front levers in sets of 1-3. For these, I grab the rings and pulse myself up to parallel to ground and try to hold. Can’t really hold it for more than a microsecond, but just getting in that position is tough. Was trying this:

3 front levers, 3 pull ups, 3 HLR shins to rings - all without leaving the bar. Go punch heavy bag for about 30 sec pretty intensely. Repeat for three rounds. Got me ready to get going on the weights.

YouTube or podcasts work to keep boredom at bay

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Conditioning day.

1.8 mile run. Wow! My foot is feeling more “normal” and this is the longest I’ve run since the nerve damage. I don’t want to overdo it, but I’m optimistic that this slow progress is great.

3 rounds of shadowboxing. This is a great way to get going and get loose. I’m trying to keep this going vs. traditional warm ups. (3 two minute rounds/1 min in between)

2 miles on Airdyne. Sorry @dagill2 but even going for this short is boring. Listening to Allman Bros made it more tolerable. Took 5:45.

6 one minute rounds of heavy bag with 30 s breaks. I wanted to try a different timing regime. This allowed me to stay focused and go harder, knowing the rounds were shorter.

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Squat day!

Strength/skill practice: front levers, total of 10. I’m trying to keep this going at the beginning of my workout. This would be something like bridges, front levers, handstands, etc… in very low volume while I’m fresh. Not enough to tire me out at all.

Squats. 531 5’s PRO, and 5x10 BBB sets at FSL weight. Did zercher squats today. First time trying these at higher reps, and they felt good. The FSL weight was 135 lbs, but that was enough for 50 reps.

Supersetted Assistance: 75 ring dips, 60 inverted ring rows. Did these in 5x15 or 5x12 sets. Bodyweight only.

Still had some time/energy, so did 2 rounds of:

Standing ab wheel roll outs (6 reps).
Rear delt raises (6 reps)
10 band pull aparts

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Just a 2 mile run, a set of 30 push ups, and a set of 15 pull ups. Easy day just to get a bit of work in.


Practice: Pistol squats. Haven’t done these since my injury. I could only get one on my left side and was wobbly. Got three strong ones on my right side.

OHP: 5’s PRO up to 120 lbs, then BBB 5x10 with 95 lbs. Supersetted with 50 weighted pull-ups, and 50 HLR’s.


High pulls 3x8

531 PRO’s TB Deadlif (up to 5x305 lbs). Then 5x5 FSL weight (235 lb)
Supersetting all the way through with 5x15 ring dips; 5x12 ring rows.

Notes: That was hard! Even moving down to 5x5 FSL compared to 5x10, it’s still a challenging workout.


Ran for 4.5 miles. Farthest yet! I did fall once and wipe out on the sidewalk, at least partially due to my drop foot (that foot caught on the sidewalk). Nothing hurt, though. My ankles are really feeling it, seeing as that I haven’t run for so long. Feels good to get back out there, though.


BP 5’s PRO (up to 5 reps at 215 lbs)
BBB sets at 170 lbs

Supersetted with 6x12 inverted ring rows; 6x12 ab wheel roll outs

Notes: pretty easy day in the garage gym. Very much a “punch the clock workout”.

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Conditioning workout

Warm up with 3 rounds of shadowboxing and 2 miles on the airdyne bike.

5 rounds of:
10 pull ups / heavy bag (go hard for 30 sec)

Finish with 3 miles on the airdyne bike.


Warm up/mobility/vertical jumps

5’s PRO of zercher squats. Up to 185 lbs

BBB 5x10 of back squats, using 185 lbs.

Superset with 5x12 inverted rows; 5x15 ring dips

Notes: I like the zercher as the main lift/back squat as the supplement. It keeps me fresher and I enjoy the change up. I’ve noticed that doing full on BBB and 5’s PRO with back squats and deadlifts is just too much for me with the other activities I like to do (and the realities of age, family, and a full time job).




3 rounds of shadowboxing

2 miles Airdyne

6 rounds of heavy bag

3 miles Airdyne

1 set of 10 of curls (about all the isolation work I can stand)


Work up in sets of 2 on Deadlift, up to 365 lbs x 2 (actually, that’s all the weight I have in my garage)

OHP 5’s PRO (up to 125 x 5)
OHP BBB (5x10 at 100 lbs)

Superset with 70 pull ups (total) and 50 SLDL (with 45 lb DBs, shrug at top)