Rice's ''Getting Shredded'' Cycle Log

Evening all. I have just began my cycle for the coming summer months. The plan is to get shredded (6-8% bf) , get stronger and then maintain\lean bulk on a cruise dose throughout summer.

Some stats
Bw 209lbs
Bf % roughly 14%
Dead - 617lbs
Squat - 441lbs
Bench - 342lbs

Cycle is as follows

Week 1 - 12
tren ace 100mg ED , test prop 75mg ED

Week 8 - 12
Anavar 100mg ed

Clen 120mcg ed throughout
T3 50mg ed throughout
Caber 0.25mg twice a week throughout
Adex 0.5mg e3d

This is the basic plan, also have a lot of cut mix and mast.

And I have some dnp but lets not go there…


Around 2800kcal (about 250kcal below maintenance)

360g protein (50%)
210g carb (30%) may half this on rest days… Input?
60g fat (20%)

Let’s do this!

Day 12 of test, tren and Clen. Getting leaner and slightly harder, still some slight abdominal fat going on but otherwise promising. Will post some progress pics up later.

I started t3 today also. I’ve decided to cut about 75g of carbs out on rest days making my intake 125g.

The lab I’m using is puro labs, I was slightly worried about its legitimacy which is why I waited until now to take the t3. Getting bloods done this Saturday so will find out for sure, will update then.

Bench tonight, last session I got 276lbs for 3 sets of 4. Going to try 287lbs tonight.

Really curious to see how this goes for you. This is almost identical to the cycle I want to run starting in April. Are you mixing any gear together in 1 shot to avoid so many pins? Just curious.

Why would you bother running t3 on this, its pretty much unnecessary and can pretty well fuck your thyroid over. Why not just tren and test…but clen as well? Your kcals are pretty low too…and why half on rest days, try doubling them once a week. Especially coz you are reasonably lean anyway. IMO.


I’ve decided that it’s far too early to cut weight so I’ve began eating at about 4000kcal, roughly 400g protein, 400g carbs and the rest fat.

On week 3 of 100 ace and 75 prop. Still taking t3 but at a low dose as I feel it’s keeping me lean while eating all this food. Strength is going up each week, bench has gone from 274 x 4 , to 287 x 4. Getting leaner and larger. Standing military press is now 176lbs x 6.

[quote]crzyjlt wrote:
Really curious to see how this goes for you. This is almost identical to the cycle I want to run starting in April. Are you mixing any gear together in 1 shot to avoid so many pins? Just curious. [/quote]

Always mix it. Oils are identical except from the compounds so they mix well.

Will do. I’m wondering what kind of sides your having with the tren-a. I’ve been doing alot of reading , the sides seem insane. I’ll be interested to track your progress. Good luck

Did you get the blood work done yet mate? I’d be interested to see it. I don’t want to put a downer on things but I haven’t heard good things about puro this side of the pond.