Result's from LONG Cycle

Ran TEST E @ 750MG’s for 16 weeks.
Ran Whinny @ 50mg ED for weeks 10-18

After that Nolva PCT 40 40 20 20

I’ve gained about 36LBS & Stayed with 30LBS so far. It’s been already 2 weeks after PCT


Stats before ?

Diet ?

HCG usage ?

Lifts ?

If you started at 160@10% and gained 36…its not as impressive as if you started at 215@10%.

Before 215lbs 5’9 15% Bodyfat.
Diet : 6k Cals a Day.

No HCG (I dont agree with it)

Lifts are from max bench 315x4 to 475x8

After 240LBS 5’9 10% BF.

How much are you saying of this 30lbs remaining is muscle?

Do you train alone?

Got before and after pics?!

Holy fauck that’s a crazy bench sorry not crazy insaneeeee!!!

Wow, bravo, you must have had your training inline to boost your bench that much. Awesome man, good job! Sounds like you had a lot of food too, 6,000 calories is more than most people will ever eat in a day.

[quote]Loops wrote:
Before 215lbs 5’9 15% Bodyfat.
Diet : 6k Cals a Day.

No HCG (I dont agree with it)

Lifts are from max bench 315x4 to 475x8

After 240LBS 5’9 10% BF.

If this weight gain (35lbs of muscle) and strength increase is legit…HOLY SHIT!!! Congrats if you are for real!

Yeah, only reason i think that i gained that much and stayed lean was also because of age most of you wont a gree a 17 year old to take any AAS. And no i dint take it right away i trained for 3 years had knowledge of AAS for over a year and did do my research.

Will be taking a blood test in the about 6 weeks to check how my nat test levels.

Everyone should read this kid’s post history before applauding his ‘accomplishments’.

I think you are lying through your teeth about being 240 at 10%. Post a picture.

[quote]Loops wrote:
Before 215lbs 5’9 15% Bodyfat.
Diet : 6k Cals a Day.

No HCG (I dont agree with it)

Lifts are from max bench 315x4 to 475x8

After 240LBS 5’9 10% BF.

475*8 at 17 ? you must be fucking kidding me. Did you grew up on a farm?
I want a video

This dude is a fool and a bad example for any curious teens browsing this site.

18 week cycle + 4 week PCT + 2 weeks after that = 24 weeks, or 6 months. So basically you started back around late April? Well, in March you posted that you were 180 pounds and 17-20% bodyfat.

Now you’re saying when you started you were 35 pounds heavier than that with 2-5% lower bodyfat. You did that in 1-2 months before starting your cycle? Also you said you were only lifting for a year at that time, now all the sudden it’s been over 3 years?

Not only are you not old enough to be using AAS, but you’re obviously not smart enough either.

Hopefully someone bans this clown. At least he might not be able to reproduce anymore, which is good news for the human gene pool.

I don’t understand the thinking behind coming online to boost your ego…

[quote]Loops wrote:
Before 215lbs 5’9 15% Bodyfat.
Diet : 6k Cals a Day.

No HCG (I dont agree with it)

Lifts are from max bench 315x4 to 475x8

After 240LBS 5’9 10% BF.

475x8 bench at 17 years old? I want a video.

this is bullshit. Ronnie Coleman does 495*5
I cant believe anyone hasnt flamed you yet.

Wow, wish I had followed my gut feeling on this. DWEP. Another troll e-lifter.

[quote]vikingrob wrote:
I don’t understand the thinking behind coming online to boost your ego…[/quote]

lol! I KNOW! I honestly don’t get people sometimes.

this guys a charlatan a best, i hope the mods swiftly delete his account.