Fellow T-Men/Women. From time to time I like to remind you where we have been and where we are. I do this by creating a list of memorable quotes. These quotes give a unique insight into the poster. This helps all of us understand the perspective and the views of the poster. This allows us to make more effective arguments. It also allows people to decide whether this person should be responded to at all.
restless has been my personal pet project. After about one year of some passionate posting by myself and others, my fellow T-Members have begun to marginalize him in a big way. He has been relegated to the corner reserved for extremists and other hate filled malcontents. I feel I am entitled to at least a tiny portion of this changing attitude toward restless. Here are some of his quotes. These are the words that give the greatest insight into his character and motivations.
- “Jesus, I’m becoming more and more amazed with you people’s lack of reasoning hability. No wonder Bush is getting away with it.”
Good old restless. Anyone who supports our efforts in Iraq cannot reason.
- “I don’t like Bush because I don’t think any retard should have that much power.”
Yale, Harvard, whatever… eh restless? Anyone who casually throws out the word “retard” should be severely punished. Didn’t you post that you had volunteered to help severely mentally handicapped children? I do not think they would like that sort of address.
- “Soldiers are really a necessary evil, but coupled with a to powerfull of a nation and with a population which lost it’s hability to reason and a retarded puppet lider on top of that they become a true menace. I piss on all marines at the Iraq, on the Portuguese military police that’s heading there and anyone that happens to be a part of this.”
Wow!!! Pretty much encompasses everyone in his little hate basket. Not smart to deride someone for their intelligence when your writing skills are so poor. Your police and our soldiers would not appreciate your comments. Better keep them to yourself when you are in public.
- “One has the power to influence the trend of change over time but first one must at least recognize and admit past mistakes. The USA can not do this because you’re all blinded by your nearly fannatical sense of patriotism. People like Bush and his friends are dangerous voracious greedy creatures and fools that will vote again for them are what makes this all possible.”
I wonder if this guy smiles? Anyone notice how he refers to the United States as “all blinded.” You are right about one thing restless, I am a Patriot.
- "US=NF, I don’t give a shit about whatever you might have to say, feel free to participate but understand that I don’t actually bother to read most of what you post.
Restless, leading US=GG list of bad guys since Diesel started becoming entertained by the killing of innocent people."
You probably won’t want to read my posts, restless. You are in danger of seeing another perspective. Might be fatal to your hate fueled machine. I’m pretty sure Diesel never indicated in any way that he was “entertained by the killing of innocent people.”
- “Fucking hell. This type of talking is what got most of the (thinking) world to look at americans as dumb arrogant ignorants.”
Just against our policies? Hey, restless? Who are the “thinkers?” Would that be france, germany, or russia to you? Must not be Portugal, because they supported our need to root out terrorist supporting regimes.
- “Diesel, it’s a shame you weren’t there on 9/11, a lot of decent people probably died in there and what happened was a tragedy, but if only borderline retards like were there, I would celebrate it for the rest of my life. You disgust me. Really, you make me sick. Couldn’t help this. Sorry.”
When asked whether he wished diesel23 had died on 9/11 restless’ response was “yep.”
This is the “grand finale” of this thread. Hard to put into words what I felt the first time I read this. I decided to make restless and his supporters stand out as the fanatics and malevolent scum that they are. I have spent a year doing it. I believe it has finally begun to bear fruit. Who says we can’t effect change on this forum?