
Fellow T-Men/Women. From time to time I like to remind you where we have been and where we are. I do this by creating a list of memorable quotes. These quotes give a unique insight into the poster. This helps all of us understand the perspective and the views of the poster. This allows us to make more effective arguments. It also allows people to decide whether this person should be responded to at all.
restless has been my personal pet project. After about one year of some passionate posting by myself and others, my fellow T-Members have begun to marginalize him in a big way. He has been relegated to the corner reserved for extremists and other hate filled malcontents. I feel I am entitled to at least a tiny portion of this changing attitude toward restless. Here are some of his quotes. These are the words that give the greatest insight into his character and motivations.

  1. “Jesus, I’m becoming more and more amazed with you people’s lack of reasoning hability. No wonder Bush is getting away with it.”

Good old restless. Anyone who supports our efforts in Iraq cannot reason.

  1. “I don’t like Bush because I don’t think any retard should have that much power.”

Yale, Harvard, whatever… eh restless? Anyone who casually throws out the word “retard” should be severely punished. Didn’t you post that you had volunteered to help severely mentally handicapped children? I do not think they would like that sort of address.

  1. “Soldiers are really a necessary evil, but coupled with a to powerfull of a nation and with a population which lost it’s hability to reason and a retarded puppet lider on top of that they become a true menace. I piss on all marines at the Iraq, on the Portuguese military police that’s heading there and anyone that happens to be a part of this.”

Wow!!! Pretty much encompasses everyone in his little hate basket. Not smart to deride someone for their intelligence when your writing skills are so poor. Your police and our soldiers would not appreciate your comments. Better keep them to yourself when you are in public.

  1. “One has the power to influence the trend of change over time but first one must at least recognize and admit past mistakes. The USA can not do this because you’re all blinded by your nearly fannatical sense of patriotism. People like Bush and his friends are dangerous voracious greedy creatures and fools that will vote again for them are what makes this all possible.”

I wonder if this guy smiles? Anyone notice how he refers to the United States as “all blinded.” You are right about one thing restless, I am a Patriot.

  1. "US=NF, I don’t give a shit about whatever you might have to say, feel free to participate but understand that I don’t actually bother to read most of what you post.

Restless, leading US=GG list of bad guys since Diesel started becoming entertained by the killing of innocent people."

You probably won’t want to read my posts, restless. You are in danger of seeing another perspective. Might be fatal to your hate fueled machine. I’m pretty sure Diesel never indicated in any way that he was “entertained by the killing of innocent people.”

  1. “Fucking hell. This type of talking is what got most of the (thinking) world to look at americans as dumb arrogant ignorants.”

Just against our policies? Hey, restless? Who are the “thinkers?” Would that be france, germany, or russia to you? Must not be Portugal, because they supported our need to root out terrorist supporting regimes.

    1. “Diesel, it’s a shame you weren’t there on 9/11, a lot of decent people probably died in there and what happened was a tragedy, but if only borderline retards like were there, I would celebrate it for the rest of my life. You disgust me. Really, you make me sick. Couldn’t help this. Sorry.”

When asked whether he wished diesel23 had died on 9/11 restless’ response was “yep.”

This is the “grand finale” of this thread. Hard to put into words what I felt the first time I read this. I decided to make restless and his supporters stand out as the fanatics and malevolent scum that they are. I have spent a year doing it. I believe it has finally begun to bear fruit. Who says we can’t effect change on this forum?

“I piss on all marines at the Iraq, on the Portuguese military police that’s heading there and anyone that happens to be a part of this”

And you know what the funniest part is?

They do not give a shit about your wishes. None. They’re soldiers, not guests on Oprah shows.

However I would like to extend an invitation to you Restless:

Restless you are cordially invited to the Westover Joint Service Base to piss on not only Marines, but ALSO your choice of Army, Navy, National Guard and Air Force personel. You will have a choice wether to piss on a Marine while he boards a C-5, an Airman while jogs around the Base, or an Army MP guarding the Gates. You can walk into the Medical Evacuation Squadron’s facilities or the Explosive Ordinance Disposal facilities and piss on medics, pilots, EOD personnel.

Needless to say, hand your Will to your family, because they sure as hell will need it.

Also, remember, US Marines in Iraq or anywhere in the world, are not there for you or your family. They dont die for you. They dont die to make sure YOU’re safe. They die for their COUNTRY, their families, their fellow soldiers. That’s what they fight for. Theyre part of our great Nation - an integral and beloved part - and they’re held dearly by us Americans. As for Canadians or French or Germans - they couldnt give a shit about you.

REMEMBER, they joined the UNITED STATES Armed Forces, to Serve and obey the orders of the PPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and to protect the people OF THE UNITED STATES.
Nowhere in the contract, and I have mine right here, does it say thatour servicemen have a duty to Canada, or that they should take into consideration the feelings of those living in France.

When you’re living in the desert for months on end with subpar living conditions, the very last thing one will care about is that someone named ‘Restless’ goes on a forum and wishes to piss on me. Most soldiers would keep shining up their M-16s, send out a chuckle that says ‘who gives a fuck’ and go back to practicing their fighting skills.

Ah shit. And here I thought we were just startin’ to have some good-natured fun on the forum again. But nooo… ya’ll had to bring up all this political stuff again. :wink:

United States=Good Guys and Diesel,

Good posts, but I have an even better idea for the nonsense typically posted by Restless. Ignore it! Do not respond to any of his posts. It will work, trust me.

You see Restless is incapable of debating a topic with any fair minded individual.

Now let me explain. Take Iscariot for example. I disagree with about 99% of what he says but at least he will post his views to where someone can actually submit some sort of rebuttal. This could also apply, to a lesser extent, to Z-Man. Lumpy, he's just a poor, misguided liberal, but I still have hope for him. :) Anyway, Restless fails in this manner. According to him, if your an American and you disagree, your just dumb and ignorant. US=GG pointed that out in one of the aforementioned quotes.

So, simply ignore his posts no matter how offensive they are, and he will eventually go back to the training board, or something. Where it's said that he actually has some knowledge. Of course, that's probably just a rumor.


Enough. End thread.

  1. Jesus, I’m becoming more and more amazed with you people’s lack of reasoning hability. No wonder Bush is getting away with it.
    “Good old restless. Anyone who supports our efforts in Iraq cannot reason.”

It’s just amazing that the USA is the only country in the world that feels that Iraq is a threat. I can’t remember the last time I heard about Iraq before late last year. If the real reason they were going to attack & take over Iraq was to liberate the people, then why did they lie about the WMD? Why all the lying when the real reason was to liberate them?

  1. I don’t like Bush because I don’t think any retard should have that much power.
    “Yale, Harvard, whatever… eh restless? Anyone who casually throws out the word “retard” should be severely punished. Didn’t you post that you had volunteered to help severely mentally handicapped children? I do not think they would like that sort of address.”

Any retard could have gotten into Yale & Harvard with the connections that Bush had.

  1. Soldiers are really a necessary evil, but coupled with a to powerfull of a nation and with a population which lost it’s hability to reason and a retarded puppet lider on top of that they become a true menace. I piss on all marines at the Iraq, on the Portuguese military police that’s heading there and anyone that happens to be a part of this.
    “Wow!!! Pretty much encompasses everyone in his little hate basket. Not smart to deride someone for their intelligence when your writing skills are so poor. Your police and our soldiers would not appreciate your comments. Better keep them to yourself when you are in public.”

Restless is a part of this. As a citizen of a democratic society (Britain, right?) he & everyone else in his country is directly involved in this & responsible for it. So am I responsible for the policies of the government in Canada, so is everybody in the USA responsible for the policies of the US government. Governments wouldn’t be able to get away with mass slaughters in poor countries if it weren’t for this apathy, etc. There would be pressure from the populations if people knew everything that was going on was causing incredible suffering, poverty, etc. It’s not totally the people’s fault though, the media & propaganda does a lot to keep people from acting on ther responsibilities though.

  1. One has the power to influence the trend of change over time but first one must at least recognize and admit past mistakes. The USA can not do this because you’re all blinded by your nearly fannatical sense of patriotism. People like Bush and his friends are dangerous voracious greedy creatures and fools that will vote again for them are what makes this all possible.
    “I wonder if this guy smiles? Anyone notice how he refers to the United States as “all blinded.” You are right about one thing restless, I am a Patriot.”

Well the US propaganda has done a lot to create this fanatical level of “patriotism.”

  1. US=NF, I don’t give a shit about whatever you might have to say, feel free to participate but understand that I don’t actually bother to read most of what you post. Restless, leading US=GG list of bad guys since Diesel started becoming entertained by the killing of innocent people.
    "You probably won’t want to read my posts, restless. You are in danger of seeing another perspective. Might be fatal to your hate fueled machine. I’m pretty sure Diesel never indicated in any way that he was “entertained by the killing of innocent people.”

If ‘another perspective’ ever comes up on this forum, it’s immediatley attacked as a conspiracy theory, liberal or anti-American/Bush propaganda. That’s just from what I’ve read. It sure says a lot about the limits of debate in the United States. Make sure the limits of debate are ridiculously narrow, then let debate happen in that narrow range, evan encourage lots of it, then people can think they’ve got freedom of speech. LOL

  1. Fucking hell. This type of talking is what got most of the (thinking) world to look at americans as dumb arrogant ignorants.
    Just against our policies? Hey, restless? Who are the “thinkers?” Would that be france, germany, or russia to you? Must not be Portugal, because they supported our need to root out terrorist supporting regimes.

That’s right! Those people realized that the USA intends to control the world by force, the only dimension in which it reigns supreme, & to do so permanently. That’s why people in Europe think that the USA is a menace to the world & to itself. It’s really too bad that you Americans can’t see yourself as others do.

    1. “Diesel, it’s a shame you weren’t there on 9/11, a lot of decent people probably died in there and what happened was a tragedy, but if only borderline retards like were there, I would celebrate it for the rest of my life. You disgust me. Really, you make me sick. Couldn’t help this. Sorry.”

No other country that I know of glorifies violence & aggression on the levels that the USA does. The first reaction of every American seems to be something that would cause harm to another person, that IS really disgusting. You should all be ashamed. I don’t think that all those innocent people should have been indirectly killed by the (in)actions of the US government, but it the USA sure got a taste of its own medicine that day.

Eh…I got my own thread now. I feel honored.

I’m with Karma.

Vamoose, you militants you!


You need go no further than the top of this thread to see who is driving this train. I agree that it is getting old, but the maturity level is a direct reflection of the 3 amigos who have declared themselves the “good guys”. I don’t even care if I agree with a single point they have made. Their arrogance makes me cringe. Glad NOT to be a good guy I guess.


I guess you lumped me with US=GG and Diesel as the three amigos. I'm not a part of any alliance on these boards. I just happen to agree a lot of the time with them.

If you or anyone else is getting tired of posts like this, just don't read them. There are plenty of threads on this board I don't bother reading because I could care less about the subject.

Lastly, I feel sorry for the pesron who takes any of these posts too seriously. This is, after all, an off-topic board on an internet web site.


Let’s see if we can do something to make this thread contribute to some form of happiness instead of harpie-ness.

Between Bigpearl offering up her bed and pooh being with me (if ya know what I mean), I’m sure we can get something fun started…

Why did you feel the need to start a forum designed to pick on one person?

Cant you just disagree with him during the course of debate and argument?

Seems a little juvenile and petty to start up a thread with the intention of victimising one person. Even BigConan didnt get thi treatment.

I know that Restless disagrees with you on almost everything and that he may come across as offensive at times but I think you have made yourerself look quite immature by doing what you have.

I dont honestly see too much of a difference between you and Restless, just opposite ends of the spectrum. You are both very passionate about what you believe and, truth be told, Im sure some people find your opinions as offensive as you find the comments that Restless makes.

Just be happy to debate and disagree. Lets try not to make things personal.

However outrageous US=GG might be, I think I would prefer ad hominem attacks to “I really dislike your viewpoint, man I wish you had died on 9/11, getting what you Americans deserved!” Those comments really tipped the scales.

“I dont honestly see too much of a difference between you and Restless, just opposite ends of the spectrum.”

Damn, that one hurt.

I wasnt meaning to be offensive with the comparisons. Just saying that you both have very strong opposing opinions.

The only quotes I have reservations against are number 3&7

Most of the soldiers are very young and can’t see through the thick cloud of brainwashing the military puts them through. Although everyone is ultimately responsible for their own actions I think some mercy ought to be affored to them due to their circumstances.

It would be a much better decision to direct your anger at those more deserving (i.e. those in power who really know what’s going on).

As for number 7, I would agree that diesel23 jingoism is just an extention of his political blindness but to actually wish him to be in the 9/11 attack was not called for.

Restless you shouldn’t let your frustration get to you that much. Leave that for those other clowns.

I’ve said numerous times I’m not particularly proud of that statement (n? 7) but given the contezt it was said in I still find it apropriate.

Sorry dude, no excuse or suitable context (outside of them doing somehow big-time wronging you; and I mean BIG) for wishing death upon someone, especially if you’ve never even met them.

I have been reading this whole good guy / bad guy fight for quite some time, and I finally couldn’t resist posting my thoughts.

You are all so wrapped up hate for each other that you won’t acknowledge that the other side has made some very good arguements. You are both sided on completely opposite extremes on your opinions of American foreign policy. So to help you maybe understand the other peoples opinions more, here are some facts on the war that no one can deny and that you both have based your arguements on.


Pro-war: Saddam is an evil dictator who murders his own people and has access to chemical and biological weapons and will use them angainst America. It is our duty to liberate the Iraqi people and protect our homeland.

Anti-war: There have been no weapons of mass destruction found, because there are none. So why should we risk our soldiers lives with something that isn’t any of our business.


Pro: The oil is not the reason for this war, but it will only help out our ailing economy.

Anti: This war is for the sole purpose of controlling Iraq’s oil, George Bush is just getting his friends richer (Haliburton) and trying to improve the economy so he gets re-elected.


Pro: Our last campaign wasn’t succesful in eliminating Saddam or his regime, but this time we will kill him and install a new, democratic government which will finally bring peace and freedom to the Iraqi people.

Anti: This is just George Bush’s personal vendetta inherited from his father. George W. is not acting in the interests of America, but is just doing what his dad tells him.

There are many other issues where both sides have opposite opinions, but I hope you get the idea.

What I’m trying to get at is that you guys are stuck with a certain view of America and her policies, and no matter what the situation you will always either be patriotic or anti-American. You guys are so firmly planted in your views of either the US is good, or the US is evil that you don’t try to understand the other persons arguements and figure out why it is that they could feel that way.

Just once I would like to see US=GG or diesel disagree with something the US has done around the world. And to the same extent I would enjoy Restless or monsieur quebec admitting that they agree with a decision the US has made regarding its foreign policy.

One of the most intelligent comments I have ever read here was by Cupcake when he said something like " If this were before independence guys like restless and mr. quebec would be the ones dumping the tea in Boston while guys like US=GG and diesel were singing God Bless The Queen while happily sipping on tea and munching crumpets".

The thing is that Cupcake’s statement was probably accurate. Guys like restless will never be satisfied with the government or any authority figures and will do their best to rebel against them, research/make up all sorts of conspiracy theories, and just basically do their best to convince other people that the government is evil.

And as long as people like US=GG are reasonable safe and well fed, they will be in full support of their government and all of their actions, often times without even thinking about it.

If there was a moral to all of this it would be: Don’t take the easy way out.

By this I mean just because you have supported or opposed America’s actions in the past it shouldn’t affect what opinions you make now. If you really want to be honest to yourself, do the research, by this I don’t mean watch CNN. Respect and study the opinions of other people. Try to learn why they might have that view, then take from it what makes sense to you and maybe incorporate it into your opinions. If you still feel the same way that is perfectly fine. Atleast now you understand the oppostie opinions and hopefully won’t get into childish flame wars.

Just because you were born into a heavily Christian family doesn’t mean you can’t become a Hindu.

Humanity: the cause of, and solution to, all of Earth’s problems

I would ignore restless quite happily if he hadn’t written that seventh quote. That shows his true colors. He needs to be exposed and ridiculed for the fanatic that he is.
For once, I agree with restless. Please do not compare us. That seventh quote completely sets us apart. As for the issue of taking things personally, read the seventh quote. Then read that he replied in this thread that he still feels it was appropriate. That is despicable.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. I hope you continue to post your thoughts. I appreciate your attempt at mediation. However, you make several assumptions that I feel are in error.

  1. Diesel and I blindly follow anything our government does. Your assertion that we are patriotic to the point of being intransigent, is incorrect. Here is an example of foreign policy that I felt was an error. I’ll one-up your challenge by stating that I disagree with a Republican President’s decision. The issue was Somalia. I felt that our motives for entering Somalia were humanitarian and were benevolent in theory. However, I felt at the time that we had no real exit strategy. Were we going to remove all the warlords? Were we going to set up Democractic government? Were we going to take over the civil, political, and military appartus in order to improve the situation in the long run? The answer was no to all these questions. As far as I have been able to ascertain, we had no long-term goals. It seemed that we were there to provide food to starving people, not solve the underlying problem. The results were catastrophic. In addition to the well known “Black Hawk Down” tradegy, we had several other instances that lessened our dignatus. For instance, (and I blame clinton with his foreign policy accumen of a four year old) we flew the warlord who directed the “Black Hawk Down” ambush to peace talks in Kenya ABOARD A C130!!! Can you imagine!!! Flying the leader of the gang who dragged our servicemen’s naked body down the street to a conference!!! We essentially slunk out of Somalia with our tails between our legs. There you have it, Pho. An example of what I consider to be an error by the United States. Let me use this to show the difference in interpretation between me and, say, restless. restless would contend that we entered somalia to kill civilians as our primary goal. mon quebec would contend that we invaded as an example of our desire to dominate the world militarily. Both would contend that we entered to steal oil. I say we entered Somalia for humanitarian reasons. It so happens we used a fraction of our power. We tried to minimize casualties. We didn’t use any of our most powerful weapons. We left the region. Therefore, all of their assumptions are, as usual, false.
  2. The cupcake comment about fighting for the Crown in the Revolution is false. I have two known family members who served Washington bravely and with honor in the Revolution. If anything, Diesel and I would have been more likely to support and emerging United States. We both serve her and I cannot imagine us submitting meekly to the autocratic policies of George III. To carry the analogy further, I can see restless and mon quebec hiding in their cellars. Diesel and I would have been on the front fighting for our beliefs. mon quebec and restless would have been hiding from responsibility. Their only “contribution” being dissent. They would occasionally distribute flyers decrying the loss of personal liberties imposed by the Continental Congress. Such things as shooting deserters in Washington’s army, would have raised their pathetic little cries. During the war, there were several tribes allied to the British. One of the most powerful was the Iroqouis Confederacy. They carried out attacks against our frontier settlers. People were scalped and killed. When our men invaded Iroqouis country to stop the assaults on our frontier families, restless and mon quebec would have accused the Americans of trying to dominate the continent. z-man would have stated that we were inherently racist in our policies.
    Pho, Diesel and I are FOR something. We fight FOR the idea of America. I think I can speak for him and state that the IDEA of America may not always match the reality. Taken as a whole, however, we are intensely proud of our country. We fight AGAINST unwarranted attacks on our country. We protect her against enemies both forein and domestic. That is why we serve.