Restart Attempt/Log after 14 months of TRT-Clomid

Update: Labs 06/07/2017:
TT:3.75 ng/mL(2.8-8)
FT:13.7 pg/mL (8.3-40.1)
I guess I have low SHBG. More complete labs next month.
Symptoms: depression, low libido, fatigue. Fluctuating morning wood.

I want to share with you new blood test results, which could be promising to some degree.
After 10 months off TRT, 8 months after clomid restart attempt, less stress and a weight loss of 13 kilos during these 10 months, Iā€™ve got new bloodwork:

Update (10/11/2017):
TT: 5.04(2.8-8)
FT: 0.331 nmol/L (>0.250)
LH: 5.88 (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 5 (1.5-12.4)
SHBG: 35.8 (15.5-48.4)

What do you think? Isnā€™t LH too high for these values? I mean, are testis working properly? Regarding symptoms, libido is still low, but erections are satisfactory, and morning wood depends on day (some days soft, some none, some OK).
Thank you for the feedback.

Hey how are you doing?

Any updates? Iā€™m about to do 50mg clomid every day prescribed by endo for 1.5 months. My SHBG is also low and Iā€™m nervous Iā€™m about to undue all the past 12 months of TRT.