Could you please give me your thoughts, however briefly?
I am in the UK so GP’s know sod all about endocrinology- the last time I asked for an LH and FSH the lab returned it to the GP undone saying ‘why would you order a female hormone test for a male’. The below are the only tests I can get the NHS to do. Some of the units are different to the US- apologies…
I used to be a horny guy but suddenly around 3 years it all faded away during a relationship (a bad one) I was in. After the relationship ended it got better but I realised I never had the same desire for s£x. I have had fatigue problems for years, a big carb meal will put me to sleep, I used to use caffeine and other legal stimulants to try and stay sharp/ lose fat. Tried IF which I think probably did more harm than good. Basically I am tired the whole time, no matter how much sleep I get. Canâ??t remember the last time I had morning wood, have used Viagra and Cialis.
Used M1-T for about a month till my urine turned read, and tried a 2 month cycls of dbol about 5 years ago. Did a proper PCT after both. I donâ??t believe I had any noticeable libido issues afterwards but this may be related.
I got referred about 2 years ago to a endo who confirmed I didn’t have primary hypogonadism and I was subclinically hypothyroid but my insurance company said it was a chronic condition and would not support any further investigation. So recently I managed to get another GP and starting the diagnosis process again.
Age 38 year
Height 184 cm
Waist 34 inch
Weight 190 pounds
Body hair : lots on lower legs, a tiny bit in the middle of my chest.
Body fat: About 14% BF, held mainly on waist, thighs and arse.
Frequently have dry skin, but hair not thin and no other symptoms of hypo thyroidism.
Drugs : None at time of test.
Lab results :
Serum testosterone: 12 nmol/ L (10.0- 30)
Serum SBHG: 29 nmol/l (15- 55)
Oestradiol (this is what the UK calls E2 I think) 82 pmol/ L
Prolactin- 136 mU/ L (60- 300)
TSH: 2.56mu/L (0.3- 4.2)
Free T4: 11.2 pmol/ L (9.0- 23)
These are all the relevant results I got ( they also did lipids and liver, but I donâ??t believe these are relevant)
Many, many thanks in advance…