I wonder how his mind changed with the entire process. I want to buy a book from amazon about a woman who became a man and how higher testosterone levels changed the way she saw things, how he/she thought, etc.
Sounds interesting. What’s it called?
Also, all things considered, I think this guy is pretty passable.[/quote]
That hard blocky chin plus the cleft is a dead giveaway.[/quote]
Ive seen girls with stronger chins and clefts then this guy. While I’ve known them long enough to know they are women, it could certainly set a new guy wondering. But I could see that guy passing.
Maybe you’re right. I was actually sent two of these trannysformations and honestly I find this one much more convincing. Perhaps it’s just by comparison the one in the OP looks bad.
[quote]Edevus wrote:
I want to buy a book from amazon about a woman who became a man and how higher testosterone levels changed the way she saw things, how he/she thought, etc.
Dreams of My Father?
It’s the real reason behind the birth certificate mystery.[/quote]
I wonder how his mind changed with the entire process. I want to buy a book from amazon about a woman who became a man and how higher testosterone levels changed the way she saw things, how he/she thought, etc.
Sounds interesting. What’s it called?
Also, all things considered, I think this guy is pretty passable.[/quote]
I’ve known about this particular person for a couple of months now. I even subscribe to her youtube videos to see her updates. Her videos are pretty insightful and interesting coming from esentially one opposite end of the gender spectrum to the other. Basically she explains that she only got into bodybuilding because she felt that if she gained some muscle and started doing masculine things,she could probably get used to be a male. She started taking Dianabol and Sustanon and her added muscles and effects from the steroids actually made her depressed. She started HRT a year ago and she started making the transition. You guys are right in that,she did have good genetics for a bodybuilder but its not all a waste,she does go to the Arnold Classic and still hints at competing in FBB so all is not loss. I even asked her to join the forums in a message. Heres her videos:
Thanks you jerks for making me take ten fucking minutes to figure out that this wasn’t a pic of a guy that got jacked and two girls that changed their makeup!
Couldn’t someone just mention sex change in the thread title!?!