After reading articles and the forums on the site, i finally made an account and i have me a big question in relation to my diet. at the moment, i’m doing straight cardio without any weight lifting because i’m recovering from an AC joint separation in my right shoulder.
i’ve basically been doing a low carb diet with carb cycling and i’m wondering if i should do a refeed day once a week or every other week even though i’m not lifting. my cardio is HIIT 3 times a week, with 2-3 SSC days.
I’ve burnt most of my leftover fat from before i hurt my shoulder but i do feel tired from the HIIT and i’m figuring it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try a refeed. any suggestion would be appreciated, thanks a bunch.
Oh and i am in a calorie deficit just to be clear =)
That’s king of hard to answer because it depends on a few factors, but If I were you I would just use carb cycling or nutrient timing. Search carb cycling in the bar, there are plenty of articles here.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
If you feel like shit, have a refeed. Just remember you aren’t weight training so don’t go overboard like most people love to do.[/quote]
thanks for the advice, i’ll give it a try tomorrow and keep it to just oats, fruits and veggies. still cutting off the fat that’s left though, and i’ll take a look at carb cycling in detail too. thanks again guys.