Red Wine and Resveratrol

I have read all about Rez-V and am considering purchasing some. I was wondering though, however, if anyone here has experimented with daily wine consumption as an alternative? I have read mixed reports on wether wine’s natural resveratrol raises T or in fact lowers it? Also, for those that say its good for testosterone…how is this possible given that it is alcoholic?

Lastly, is Rez-V going to complicate me trying to bulk? It aids weight loss correct?

Thanks for the help.

Basically you’re weighing the pro vs. con of resveratrol and alcohol. Most people won’t really feel the effects of a single glass of wine and yet there are numerous studied done on the benefits of drinking a glass of red wine a day.

[quote]TheBigV wrote:
Basically you’re weighing the pro vs. con of resveratrol and alcohol. Most people won’t really feel the effects of a single glass of wine and yet there are numerous studied done on the benefits of drinking a glass of red wine a day.[/quote]

My understanding was that the one glass of wine a day was not about resveratrol, but other health benefits of wine.

From everything I’ve read, I was left with the impression that you’d have to drink ungodly amounts of red wine to get enough resveratrol to have an impact. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Anecdotal evidence: I find that I’m stronger a couple of days after consuming quite a lot of red wine. (A bottle or so). This could of course also be the placebo effect.

If you’re older than 50, statistical data suggest that 2-3 drinks a day is optimal for decreasing the risk of dying from CVD (or something similar).

Apart from that, resveratrol is by many considered the healthy part of wine. No one really knows.

OP: Rez-v inhibits aromatase, whereas alcohol increases its activity. I don’t know if the ratio found in wine has a positive net effect, but it sure feels that way for me.

If you start doing this, just keep in mind that wine is very calorically dense.

if you look closely at many of the studies done; red wine was used. So who knows if the purported benefits were from resveratrol or alcohol? Alcohol (in moderate quantities) improves vascular function amongst other things. One of the most recent rodent studies showed that isolated resveratrol equivalent to 100’s of bottles of wine in humans showed minor improvements; can’t remember what markers of health were improved. If someone wants to see it I’m sure I can find it.

You would have to drink a winery to get the same amount of Rez-V.

Red wine has benefits, but it is not a substitute.

One glass of red wine having a health benefit (in certain groups) is attributed to the alcohol content and the combination of polyphenols. The concentration of resveratrol is not high enough for this to be the sole benefactor.