A while back I ordered a few vials of TNE/Dbol injectable blend. They all had visible crystals (as in clumps of them), which obviously doesn’t draw or inject well. I did some reading on the webz, and decided to use a water bath in the oven to reconstitute.
The first vial, I started at 200F and slowly worked up to 300. Crystals absorbed/melted, and I was able to draw and inject for a day or two before it recrystallized. Did this a couple times with that vial, injecting 1cc as a pre-workout (75/25 dosing per cc). Really didn’t notice much, but moved on to the next vial.
Went straight to 300 since that was where the first vial absorbed at. Put it in, going for 15 minute intervals. After the second interval the crystals were almost gone, so I waited a bit longer. And promptly forgot about it completely. I seriously don’t know how long the vial was in the oven.
Pulled it out when I remembered. Crystals were absrobed, I was able to draw and inject the next two days. When I did it the second day, a little oil leaked out. Instead of that strong hormone smell I have gotten from test prop before, it smelled burned. I stopped injecting from that vial, and haven’t messed with the third.
Question is - and I think I know the answer - did I destroy what was in there, rendering it useless? Haven’t messed with the third vial at all, and haven’t drawn from the second again either.
Just for additional info, I am in the cruise portion of a blast and cruise, so I am already on test e (250mg/ml, 0.25 ml E3D). So suppression, etc, is not a worry from the intermittent nature of the TNE/DBol injections.