You may be right about the ratio of manual workers to thinkers, but whether or not they are slaves is a political and economic question.
Tell some free men, who will be the majority of the men, to work like animals building, growing, and killing shit so everyone else, the minority, can enjoy life. You need slavery, probably in the guise of religion, to do that.
Good luck with that. If you gave the Ancient Greeks the instructions to build a computer, how many centuries would it take for them to have the capability to build one?
Same thing I wondered from ChatGPT’s response as well as some of the other posters. A “few generations”? I would think it would take 1000’s of years to get back to those early stages even with the knowledge.
I remember Lex Fridman had a guest on his podcast, and they were discussing how long it would take to manufacture pencils if, as a civilization, we had to start from scratch. They said it could take centuries, if not longer, due to how complex the process is.
All men under 5’9” can be slaves.
They will serve as my Oompa Loompas
Gotta ask… What is the tech level of earth when we’re sending 1000 people across enough space to reach an earth-like planet? Eg, do we have nuclear fusion/fission in small enough reactor to provide power when we land? Are we advanced enough to reliably use cryogenics to stop those 1000 people aging past any useful lifespan for breeding/working? Was the spaceship assembled in space to save trying to get out of Earths gravity well? Just a few questions that makes me think if we can top these issues then kickstarting our colonization with an equivalent level of tech to our home planet would actually be a lot simpler and easier than immediately defaulting to trying to go through the whole industrial revolution process. Medical nanites, robots for farming, nuclear fission power station, life will be such a breeze we can just go to the gym all day and congratulate ourselves that we brought along 750 of zecarlo’s slaves to feed us fruit and wave the new planets equivilent of palm fronds over our heads.
Of course we would probably all die when the slaves decided to rebel.
You need balls to give orders. You haven’t even kissed a girl.
It hasn’t happened yet, and we can have guns.
And jews. A bunch of jews. They’d figure it out.
Ok, even more jews then.
I’m sorry, they might not have been fast twitch type slaves, but I hear pretty good things about their accomplishments in the slavery sector.
I think half the people here used ChatGPT to write their answers. And are also way off on how long it would take to get to even early-20th century levels of technology.
It’s too idealized. No religion? Good luck. Humans will create new religions. They built a Temple of Reason during the French Revolution. No slavery? Maybe slightly more possible, but in a new world where the “strong” (this can mean different things) can mold things to their liking, it’s not hard to imagine them forcing the “weak” to do things.
Then we can spend our days working out or decimating the local wildlife and any rebellious slaves.
Fine. I’ll sneak up and clip your Achilles tendons with a pair of pruners though.
Mr. FloppyFeet.
Interesting! I think the key is balance. You need some engineers and scientists (100-ish) to bootstrap basic tech & medicine (antibiotics are crucial). The rest should be a mix of survivalists, farmers, doctors, and skilled tradespeople (blacksmiths, electricians). Transistors might take a while, but solar panels for basic power shouldn’t be too far off.
Wishful thinking.
More likely to use a water powered turbine as a generator. Easy to build, easy to find flowing water.
Or a basic windmill.
Electrical energy storage though, will be a bit of a problem.
Agree with the fertile young women as being necessary. However, for genetic diversity, each man can only procreate twice (in the initial generation) and it has to be with a different woman.
And the most important rule - we are going to forgo the creation of the internet.
And women’s rights.
Domesticating the local plants and animals will be a much, much bigger priority than solar panels, and technology can only speed that process along so much. I don’t see how we can leapfrog animal husbandry to anything resembling modern transportation methods.
Jut the logistics and economics of resource extraction seem like a multi-generational problem. How do you find all the stuff? How are you getting there? How is it being moved? How are you keeping the 1000 people alive while all this is done?
Consider materials like tungsten, molybdenum, lithium and cobalt. These crucial materials are only found only in a few odd places on Earth. Same with petroleum and coal, although they are more widespread. You need to find them, get them out of the ground and get them to where you need them before you can even begin any refining or metallurgical process. How do you do any of this without draft animals?
A book that explores a lot of the ideas being talked about here is Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel. It attempts to answer a simple question posed to Diamond by a New Guinean man.
“Why do Europeans have so much cargo?”
Europeans being a blanket term for non-natives and cargo meaning material possessions.
I think it could be a good opportunity to reset based around what we actually need.
Maybe dipping in to the woowoo, but how much crap that we have benefits us in objectively meaningful ways?
How much of it exists so we interact with and adapt to it by happenstance?
If we hit a reset, assuming basic skills necessary to achieve Maslows hierarchy existed, would we really want to end up exactly where we are today? Or is that ideal just an exercise in familiarity?
I occasionally wonder where human intelligence would take us if we wiped everything from consciousness and started over again from a place of basic survival and rudimentary community.
What discoveries would be made, on what timeline and what momentum would they create? Would it be a Groundhog Day affair or is it possible circumstance would start a whole new vein of discovery, adoption and implantation setting on an entirely different trajectory that people would adapt to just as easily?
Gotta say: some of the responses here have lent credit to the notion that maybe society isn’t worth rebuilding…
Forget resetting humanity and going back to monkey, we need to evolve. We must embrace dystopia and cyberpunk.
I wanna be a cyborg.
Then I can go around calling regular humans fleshbags and have weapons for limbs.
Maybe that A.I shit will lead to this.