Captain Caveman gets my vote for the most under-rated super heroe.
Everyone knows the greatest super-hero of all time is the Tick! Spoon!!
What was he though? Some sort of tazmanian devil? A fry guy?
Does anyone remember the show Bananaman or the movie Superfuzz?
Although I’m pretty certain he was bisexual, I’m going to have to go with the Tick on this one.
Gotta be the Tick.
did anyone ever read the tick comics? i mean in the mid late eighties, way before the cartoon. those were really cool, and had/have a serious cult following.
How the hell do you know the Tick was bisexual?
Anyone remember Underdog?
Damn, I loved that guy.
Mighty Mouse kicked ass, too.
The Tick was great, so was American Maid.
Hong Kong Phooey
Panthro from “Thundercats”
And the Coupe De Ville’ of underrated heros…
Doc, Lifeline, Alpine, Shipwreck, Flint, Snake eyes, Snow Job, and Spirit from “GI Joe”
I was kind of a GI Joe freak…
Captain CaveMan had three hot chicks with him at all times- what were they… i think the “teen angels”. No super heroe beats that!!!