RBCs Too High, Need Help. BBB?

I remember reading a thread where drawing a pint of blood was discussed but I can’t seem to find it. Can anyone offer some pointers and supplys needed? My RBCs are high due to my Test doses; I’m experiencing shortness of breath and it’s really putting a damper on my training. For the time being I’m taking aspirin.

Long story short Red Cross wont let me donate because I lived outside of US for longer then 5 years. So I figure I need to do it myself now.

I could really use a link to that thread, or if any guys with such experience can offer some help it would be greatly appreciated.

How high? What are HGB and HCT?

I have a friend that’s a nurse, shes no phlebotomists, but I figure shes more qualified then I am. I just wish I could find Bushys thread and see what he did exactly.

That doesn’t really answer my question…did you just feel like making another post?

If they are slightly elevated, its nothing to worry about…could even be from your diet more so than your AAS use

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
How high? What are HGB and HCT?[/quote]

eh my posts are not showing for some reason

I’ll try again. I don’t have insurance nor funds to get the blood work. I suffered from the same side effects last year. They all point to polycythemia. Headaches, shortness of breath, etc. Being a knucklehead I didn’t learn my lessong last time and actually had to quit mid cycle.

I’m planning on dropping my dose of test from a gram to 500mg, but this will not go away for the remainder of cycle. Quickest solution would be to draw blood. I searched for Bushys thread to see what he did exactly and couldn’t find it. At this point I’m all out of ideas. Stupid post, I’ll deal with it on my own. Losing all interest in this site.

Those symptoms you listed could point to other things as well…I would confirm the RBC and HGB counts before I start blood letting myself…

Your situation, since it is self induced, wouldn’t really be described as polycythemia as far as I understand…it is actually a disease state with bone marrow and other bodily processes–what you would have is just high RBC due to exogenous androgens…

Truthfully I go and give blood at the Red Cross and it did fuck all for my mildly elevated RBC and HGB counts…which were elevated both before and after I started TRT…it just seems to be my body’s natural set point