Ravenous Metabolism...

Sounds like this program isn’t working for you r goals so try another approach, something like a 5/3/1 template with singles or another thib program

[quote]domcib wrote:

[quote]Trevshenko wrote:

[quote]sput79 wrote:
Another thing that’s often overlooked is stress. Meditation is good to help you relax & cope with stress better. The less stressful everything is to you the better. Listen to your body though. Sometimes rest will do you more good than anything. Hope that helps. I started meditating this year & can tell a difference in my recovery. [/quote]

This is so true. Its coming up to exam period which usually massively dents my training, but i only have 1 exam this semester and im coping with stress a little better than usual (im usually really bad for it). Meditation is something i always want to do, but every time i start i get frustrated as my mind wanders really bad (like i cant control it) and i end up throwing in the towel. I know thats all the more reason to stick with it, but i get frustrated easily with it lol[/quote]

try zen meditation. it is almost impossible to think of nothing. so think of 1 thing. 1 thing completely. like a quarter. focus on it. feel the ridges around the edge etc. at some point you will eventually be thinking of nothing. the “mu” i thi k it’s called.[/quote]

thanks dom ill have a look in to that. sounds like it would work a lot better for me, i need something physical and definite to focus on otherwise my mind just does as it pleases

@ dom and cubuff - thanks for the support. im going to have another look over the application forms in the next few days and make a decision. i think i just need a kick up the ass to get there and do it. its something i want to do 100%, i just usually let lack of confidence get in the way of doing things like this.

@ dom - yep thats true although i wouldnt say im new to lifting. been going to the gym for about 5 years but most of it was doing the wrong thing and ive also had alot of issues with eating disorders which has meant ive often lost all the gains ive made when ive gone through bad periods. although ive gone nearly 2 and a half years without any kind of “episode” now and ive started doing things right (following better programmes, tracking my macros daily etc).

@Rampantbadger - youre completely right. ive switched over to another of CT’s programmes now which he wrote for hawaiituna for a PL meet so im hoping this will get me the results i want. i have tried 5/3/1 before but didnt really enjoy it, so ended up not giving it enough time i dont think but the beyond 5/3/1 stuff definetly got me re-interested in Wendlers stuff.

Thanks for all the advice guys. I may start up a log in here (would it be bad to start a log in CTs forum?) to track progress

you can create a training log here

i wish you all the best in your endeavors.
weightlifting is a great sport because it gives you the opportunity to compete against yourself.
i taught my kids that feared competition, to imagine they were the only ones there and that they were competing against themselves.
just look to throw the farthest you ever threw. give it your best, give it your all… everything else is irrelevant.
just you and the circle and the implement of war. (shot or disc circle, and shot or disc. javelin has no circle)
all the best