Raven78's on the set of the Living Dead

3 to 5… randomness (gym)
04.04.2024 (6.00am fasted session)
Mobility, warmup

External rotation work 5kg DB’s 2x10r
10kg ball slams 2 x 10r
Twin 20kg KB shrugs 3 x 15r
BPA’s 2 x 10r

Y raises 3 x 20r (3kg DB’s)
Dips - slow descent and hold 3 x 5r
Pushups - tucked and lower hand placement working the shoulder stretch more 3 x 5r

6 way shoulders 3 x 10 (3kg DB’s)

Elbow prehab work, 3 movements x 2 x 12-15r

-Foam rolling shoulder zones, upper back
-thanks @burien_top_team I do recall reading CT’s articles on these years ago. So many good articles, appreciate the reminder.