Hey folks. Harry here. As I fished my long turned off phone out of my computer bag in Chicago, I joked about what important messages may be awaiting me.
In very short order : I had a message from Sly Stallone. That’s right, our buddy was back from Thailand and, “The toughest, most grueling shoot of my entire life!” There were bugs and all manners of scary things coming out of the dark on the shoot - and while Stallone was in Thailand, JOHN RAMBO was in BURMA - and Stallone isn’t fucking around.
The footage we have for you is something that Sly put together to show distributors and folks at Cannes… but, he wanted to see what you Talkbackers thought about what he had for us. So - for 2 days, this footage will be hosted here on AICN. And then, I’m taking it down. But I watched this with a group of about 15 friends tonight and when… you’ll see… happens, and then, it keeps happening - we were screaming and applauding and being so happy to see RAMBO doing the shit Rambo was created for. THIS ISN’T WATERED DOWN, THIS IS TURNED UP.
That said - you should know that this footage isn’t done - and Stallone still intends to add more blood and “ARROWS” to this stuff. Sly is also watching this talkback to see what you guys think, so be honest and straight with the man. And AB… It’s fucking Christmas… Ho Ho Ho!!! Thanks goes out to Stallone for giving us this, to Tom Joad for some Encoding help and to the greatest audience of all, you guys! It’s about to get BLOODY!
The trailer has also been placed directly on “You Tube”:
Stallone is a damn smart man…
With both the latest “Rocky” and now “Rambo”…Stallone could have fallen on his face and made a parody of himself. (I’m sure many of you, like myself, said “WTF?” when you heard that he was making another “Rocky” and “Rambo”).
It looks like he INSISTED on:
A credible and believable story, given his current age.
An outstanding screenplay, and
Waiting until it all fell together.
My hat goes off to Stallone for apparently pulling it off!
man that actually looks like an awesome movie, i like how the story line plays along with his age. i will definitely be watching this when it comes out
I don’t remember what channel it was on, but I caught the last half of one of the Rambo’s last night.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen any, I completely forgot just about every part I saw, and also forgot how good a movie it was.
It was the one where he’s shooting up a town, and the fat sheriff wants to kill him real bad. Some troops blew up his hiding spot in the woods, then he ran through a cave with rats (making a torch out of his knife and ripped pieces of clothing).
[quote]SWR wrote:
I don’t remember what channel it was on, but I caught the last half of one of the Rambo’s last night.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen any, I completely forgot just about every part I saw, and also forgot how good a movie it was.
It was the one where he’s shooting up a town, and the fat sheriff wants to kill him real bad. Some troops blew up his hiding spot in the woods, then he ran through a cave with rats (making a torch out of his knife and ripped pieces of clothing).[/quote]
That was the original Rambo film, First Blood. It’s based on a book that I read when I was a young lad; a good read, by the way. The major difference with the film is that the sheriff really isn’t evil, and Rambo dies at the end.
I guess I just spoiled the book for everyone there Sorry!
And yeah, that first film was good. After that they just became gory parodies of war action films. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Stallone is bringing it with this movie. Not sure what he’s bringing, but he’s bringing it. I got serious goosebumps when Rambo pops up behind that first Myanmar soldier and slices his head off.
Cannes film festival? I may be stereotyping the French and filmfest goers a bit, but isn’t it possible they will see this film as American Imperialist propaganda, and go running to their existential comedies about gay Swiss pigeon breeders?