How noble. Giving up your White Privilage.
This feels wrong on multiple levels.
[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
How noble. Giving up your White Privilage. [/quote]
I found this from one particular pundit:
Riddle me this. The fact that there are no serious answers does not mean that there is not a serious question. Why is it that Bruce Jenner, a male passing himself off as a female, is hailed by all and sundry for his courage, while Rachel Dolezai, a white woman passing herself off as black, is being treated as a fraud? Dolezai is the president of the Spokane NAACP, not noted for its roots among the Swedes.
Why is Dolezai not permitted to play by the same rules as Jenner and simply self-identify as black? Her ancestry is Swedish, Czech, and German, but what is that compared to how she feels? If a woman can be trapped in a man’s body, why can’t other things be trapped down in there?
Iowahawk nailed our drunk generation to the wall when he said that my gender is apparently what I think it is, while my race is what other people think it is. Let us draw a completely arbitrary line here, instead of there, and then steadfastly refuse to take any questions. But we have to take questions sometime. This isn’t the Hillary campaign, folks.
How is it that someone can, by simple fiat, make themselves their parents’ daughter instead of son, but to then be told that simple fiat cannot do the heavy lifting of switching ethnicity? Trans-racialism is an absurdity – I mean, look at the DNA, for pity’s sake. And then lo! Transgenderism is the apex of courage, and if you point to the DNA your only possible motive for doing so would be HATE, and we, the intolerista generation, have fines and sensitivity seminars for HATE like YOURS.
Right. This is hate all right. I plead guilty. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, and that necessarily includes hatred of lies, scams, shams, frauds, mountebankeries, cons, shakedowns, rackets, hoaxes, and lies. We live in a generation that loves a lie, and stands ready to club any who might dissent from it. This means that our population is made up of three groups – liars, cowards, and the willing to be clubbed.
Not only are we insisting that genetic realities be obeyed in the one instance and NEVER in the other, we shout down anyone who points out the incongruities. Moreover, the one canyon that our masters of the universe insist we all jump, like Evel Knievel on a motorcycle, is the Snake River Canyon of sexual identity, while the one that makes everybody go whoa is an ethnic transgression like this one. Why is the ethnic background of the president of the Spokane NAACP a national story?
But let him who is not at least one sixteenth part Cherokee cast the first stone. And that opens up another line of thought. If she felt these powerful internal yearnings to self-identify outside the oppression of being too pale, Rachel Dolezai really needed to go the Elizabeth Warren route. Americans will almost always spot you one sixteenth part Cherokee.
Only a real pro can get away with more. I heard of one case where a man was born in New Orleans a black Roman Catholic and died in Ohio a white Lutheran. That takes talent. But it can also be done without fraud because ethnic mixing happens all the time, unlike gender mixing, and choosing what you are going to be is kind of necessary. I have to deal with this all the time, my father being Scots and my mother Scots/Irish and all. You know how it is. You get stopped in airports. “Are you…?” “No, not really. Well, yes, on my mom’s side…”
Incidentally, I humbly apologize for all the ALL CAPS episodes in this post. This is not done by the best writers, but it is just that I feel STRONGLY about this. And THAT.
Oh holly crap, world. The comments on that article are actually taking the “trans-racial” supportive stance. That is a person with serious personality issues that probably needs help. Is there a rational country somewhere I can move to?
This is hilarious… Just plain comedic gold.
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
Oh holly crap, world. The comments on that article are actually taking the “trans-racial” supportive stance. That is a person with serious personality issues that probably needs help. Is there a rational country somewhere I can move to?[/quote]
It’s Buzzfeed.
For whatever reason, this reminds me of this
God I miss this show. It was the best comedy show of all time.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
This is hilarious… Just plain comedic gold. [/quote]
I concur. Where are the Boondocks when you need them?
Being Black isn’t so much of a physical trait, but it’s s state of mind.
I’m going to remember this when I fill out my next job application.
This lady marked “black” for her job apps, and I’m damn sure if was a plus.
That would have been nice to know when I was applying for college, financial aid, grants, and jobs.
Sounds like the NAACP is backing her:
The NAACP has released a statement saying it respects Dolezal’s privacy in the matter.
“One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership,'” the group said. “In every corner of this country, the NAACP remains committed to securing political, educational, and economic justice for all people.”
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
Sounds like the NAACP is backing her:
The NAACP has released a statement saying it respects Dolezal’s privacy in the matter.
“One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership,'” the group said. “In every corner of this country, the NAACP remains committed to securing political, educational, and economic justice for all people.”
Lol exactly. Now it’s going to be “One’s racial identity shall not be categorized by skin color alone.”
[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
How noble. Giving up your White Privilage. [/quote]
The only solution for this problem is for this woman to run for Senator from MA.
I’m thinking about being a black jewish woman, what about everyone else?
[quote]Jewbacca wrote:
[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
How noble. Giving up your White Privilage. [/quote]
The only solution for this problem is for this woman to run for Senator from MA.[/quote]
She’d win in a landslide. Wouldn’t this be like blackface?
Someone give that woman a damn medal! Outstanding! People are upset that she has gotten things by claiming to be “African American,” but whose fault is that? Everyone’s that supports privilege.
Here Are Rachel Dolezal's Responses So Far Concerning Her Race And Hate Mail In this story, she points out that all humans are supposedly descended from Africans. Another excellent point. When we have African Americans that couldn’t locate Africa on a globe, how can she be denied African American status? Bravo for (probably inadvertently) showing how very far we are from(and how few desire) judging people by the content of their characters.
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
Sounds like the NAACP is backing her:
The NAACP has released a statement saying it respects Dolezal’s privacy in the matter.
“One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership,'” the group said. “In every corner of this country, the NAACP remains committed to securing political, educational, and economic justice for all people.”
Rush Limbaugh has been saying this for years. These people are liberals first, and everything else second.
[quote]NorCal916 wrote:
How noble. Giving up your White Privilage. [/quote]
That’s just awesome. Interestingly, she looks better as a black person.