[quote]Bud83bud wrote:
Just a quick question here guys, was talking with a friend of mine and he bought up a good question, I couldn’t answer him on it to much, but thought I would get your words on it.
Ok the question is.
on a cycle for a first timer of Test Enanth @ 500mg week for 10 weeks.
What are the chances of this causing something like cancer?
as my friend stated what if someone has dormant cancer cells and the Test E aggrivates it?
Or would the test not be run long enough to do this?[/quote]
I’ve never been under the impression that testosterone caused cancer. If it did I would assume that we’d be seeing higher cases on cancer in teenagers/young adults as their levels can often reach supraphysiological levels, of course by the nature of that word it is contradictory, but is true according to the reference ranges.
But we do not see more cancer in this age group, but maybe it’s because they have stronger immune systems to fight off the cancerous cells and carcigens?..
Did he have cancer and it is now in dormancy??? Everyone has thousands of carcigens and dorminant cancer cells that the body is constantly fighting off. I assume this is a theory question.
I would assume as far as safer into cellular sides, again a play on words, I would go with the NATURAL TESTEROSTERONE. Deca and or Primo are alterations and not natural by any means, they might make a great addition though… But again, did he have cancer???
[quote]What would anyone with the background of using, suggest dose wise?
And side effect wise.
I still think Test E is fine. but anyway guys thanks from me, and also my friend, I know we will debate on this once again when someone answers lol.
Cheers T-Nation people.[/quote]
I don’t think that I would ever really personally recommend anything to someone getting over cancer that is now into dormancy, but again assuming we are talking about theory here:
I’d say that Test at 500mg/week with 1/4gm or Arimidex a day would be ideal for someone for health and gains. The PCT drugs would be something I would worry about more and again talking theory and safety; I would recommend using a test taper and avoid using more drugs than needed for a realitivly safe cycle.
The only reason I could see to not taper is if someone was wanting to get off, recover as soon as possible and get back on as soon as possible - but for the once or so cycle per year crowd, whether 10 weeks or 40 I would taper for a healthier experience.