This will be my fourth cycle over that last few years. The different between this one and the last is my time on. My last few cycles have been pure test and I loved them, I ran for 12-16wks.
This cycle however I realistically want 4-6wks on, which means I need a quicker ester I believe.
I’m 5’10 190lbs and looking to lean/increase strength. I train either Muay Thai or MMA every day and in between my two jobs I try and hit the gym and put up some weight.
I just dropped the girlfriend so my dedication to training and diet is at an all time high, best time to take advantage!
I’ve looked at blast cruise cycles and did some search about short cycle length but couldn’t find anything definitive.
Week 1-6
50-100mg of Test Prop or Suspension Daily
50-75mg of Tren Ace Daily- If first time with Tren 50 is plenty which I’m assuming it is since you said pure test is all you ever ran.
Run Standard PCT and have AI on hand. I seriously think you would love the results from this for leaning out and strength. Make sure cardio is kept in check as Tren has a reputation of lowering stamina but, I have not noticed this myself yet. Sorry for being vague on doses but, was not 100% sure of your past cycles strengths and doses.
[quote]Reed wrote:
With 6 weeks being your top end I would run…
Week 1-6
50-100mg of Test Prop or Suspension Daily
50-75mg of Tren Ace Daily- If first time with Tren 50 is plenty which I’m assuming it is since you said pure test is all you ever ran.
Run Standard PCT and have AI on hand. I seriously think you would love the results from this for leaning out and strength. Make sure cardio is kept in check as Tren has a reputation of lowering stamina but, I have not noticed this myself yet. Sorry for being vague on doses but, was not 100% sure of your past cycles strengths and doses.[/quote]
Thanks man.
First two cycles were Test only, 300mg/wk for 12wks and the second was 400-500/wk for 12wks.
The only other steroids outside of test I’ve played with is Anavar and Equipoise.
Tren Ace I’ve heard incredible things about - To be honest it does kind of freak me out a bit though, haha.
So my weekly allotment would be 350mg min/700mg max of test and 350mg/525mg of Tren Ace max split between 7 doses. Along with .25/.50 adex ED and a good PCT after the dust has settled.
It does look good and I just want to present a couple of alternative options. You dropped the girlfriend before starting the tren which always looks better to jurors. I jest, it’s not the tren that makes you hit them, it’s the whole “I need to be held” routine mixed with bad timing. Imho. Anyway, back to your cycle and things that really matter:
In the interest of optimizing this time you have set aside, i think if you were to employ one of the following, you would see a big difference in terms of your stated goals of increasing strength and lean mass without a huge increase in bodyweight. I think with one of these protocols built off of Reed’s suggestions might just give you even more of an edge
A) To be even more conservative with Tren A I would add a compound and adminster the following together
Test Prop. 100 mgs EOD
Tren A. 75 mgs EOD
Mast DP. 100 mgs EOD
Test P. 100 mgs. EOD
Tren A. 75 mgs. EOD
Winstrol. 50 mgs. ED
So the dosages of Win and Mast are equivalent, and they both are DHT derivatives which means neither can aromatize and Masteron has some anti-e properties with strong androgenic and anti-catabolic effects which over a six week period might not show much change on the scale but only because of concurrent fat loss/lean tissue gain.
Winstrol may or may not have act as an anti-progestin (as with Tamoxifen, it really depends on who you ask) but even Bill Roberts who is vehemently opposed to anything working out well, does not deny that Tren/Winstrol show a profound and intimate synergism. I’m not sure if they have or show…Blah,blah but no doubt it is due to Tren’s ability to bond powerfully to the Androgen Receptor while Winstrol exhibits its effects through other non-Ar mediated pathways one of which is its ability to lower SHBG and albumin. Thus their classifications as type I regarding the former and Type II the latter. To be clear the class a compound falls into has nothing to do with SHBG but was created as a tool to determine synergism among AAS when designing a cycle. Class i’s exhibit much of their effects through their ability to bind with the AR while type Ii display a weak affinity for the AR and cause anabolism etc through other channels. I know that’s a terrible sentence I just couldn’t pull it together and I wasn’t introducing a novel concept or anything I’m sure you don’t know already so I am going to say “good luck” with whatever you choose to do and mention one more thing which is that the two other anabolics that you said you had some experience with are also very popular when added to the Test/Tren stack although many would consider 4-6 weeks too brief a period to warrant the use of EQ. Let us know what you choose and how you do. Please.