Hey man,
I have read many of your posts on this forum with regards to TRT. Especially in being patient with it.
I have been on Testim for almost four months now, first 5 grams, and now 7.5 grams. My testosterone levels are very good now between 800-1000ng/dl consistently.
Unfortunately aside from possibly losing some fat i havent seen the most important benefit to me: my libido.
You write:
Dude, I was completely impotent for over a year - COMPLETELY!
And you also write it took you a full year for your sexual function to return to what it was before all this.
Does that mean you had NO sex drive for a year while on Androgel? Or did you have a sex drive but just not a strong one?
I have NO sex drive right now and i dont know if I want to stop or keep going.
I would really appreciate your response.
Thanks man,