Queen Cobra's Training Log

Sleep 23.15-7.15
Calories 2,324 kcal
carbs 274g fat 81g protein 152g

Gym workout
super set

1. back squats 4x12x37.5kg +
2. dumbbell shoulder press 4x12x(2x10kg

3. lat pulldown 4x10x25 +4x8x17.5 drop sets
4. lateral dumbbell raises 4x12x(2x6kg)

5. deficit RDL 4x12x45kg +
6. BW sissy squats 4x10

7. single arm row on plate loaded chest supported row machine 4x123x30kg each arm +
8. overhead cable triceps extensions 4x12

9. leg curls 4x10x15kg +
10. ab slider 4x12-15 +10kg added


Sleep 00.00-6.30 No comment.
Calories 3,118kcal
carbs 286g fat 122g protein 170g
Rest day.

Sleep 01.00-6.30 We were going out with girls.
Calories 2,276kcal
carbs 264g fat 80g protein 140g

Gym workout
super set

1. lat pull down 4x10x25 +
2. plate loaded seated upper chest press machine 4x10x(2x17,5kg)

3. leg press 4x12x70kg|+
4. overhead press on smith machine on knees 4x12 (no added weight)

5. plate loaded high row machine 4x12x(2x17,5kg)
6. lateral cable raises 4x10

7. leg curls 4x12x15kg +
8. leg extensionas 4x12

Light weights. I was tired.

Sleep 21.00-6.00 may be
I needed this. I woke 1-2 times but I feel fine.

Calories 1,989kcal
carbs 196g fat 87g protein 110g
Rest day.


Sleep 23.30-6.30 may be, I didn’t look at the clock
Calories 2,004kcal
carbs 296g fat 43g protein 120g

Gym workout
super set

1. beck squats 4x12x37.5kg +
2. dumbbell shoulder press 4x10x(2x12,5kg)

3. hip trust 4x10x45kg +
4. lat pulldown narrow grip 4x12x25

5. dumbbell RDL 4x12x(2x12,5kg) +
6. incline dumbbell bench press 4x12x(2x15kg)

7. barbell bent over row 4x12x22,5kg horizontal body +
8. triceps push down reverse grip 4x12

9. ab slider +5 kg 4x15
10. abductor machine 4x15-20


*Great Preslav *
Preslav was the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire from 893 to 972 and was one of the most important cities in medieval Southeastern Europe.
The ruins of the city are situated in modern northeastern Bulgaria and are currently a national archaeological reserve.

The name of Preslav is of Slavic origin; apparently it was initially founded and functioned as a Slavic settlement until its fortification at the beginning of the ninth century.
The proximity to the then Bulgarian capital of Pliska led to the fast development and expansion of Preslav during the reign of the Khans Krum and Omurtag

*By the time of the coronation of Khan Boris I in 852, Preslav had turned into an important strategic military centre and was the seat of the Ichirgu-boil. *
A number of churches were built in the city after the conversion of the Bulgarians to Christianity in 864.

*The pagan revolt of the Pliska nobility led by Prince Vladimir in 892 was decisive for the future destiny of the city. In 893 Vladimir was dethroned and during the Council of Preslav Boris I appointed Simeon the Great as his successor and decided to move the capital of the state from the still somewhat pagan Pliska to Preslav.

In the following 80 years the city developed rapidly, turning into a centre not only of Bulgarian politics and diplomacy, but also of Slavic culture, literature and fine arts. A chronicler mentioned that it took Simeon 28 years to establish and build up his new capital. Archeological excavations have, however, proved that the city continued to develop also during the 930s and 940s and reached the peak in its growth and magnificence in the middle of the rule of Emperor Peter I of Bulgaria


Sleep 23.00-6.30 may be, I looked at the phone at 7.15
Calories 2,131kcal
carbs 255g fat 72g protein 145g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30- 6.30 may be , same
Calories 2,744kcal
carbs 391g fat 84g protein 153g
Too much carbs - bread, potatoes, corn , etc.

Gym workout
super sets

1. back squats 4x12x37,5kg +
2. plate loaded upper chest press 4x12x(2x15kg)

3. lat pulldown reverse narrow grip 4x12x40kg +
4. lateral dumbbell raises 4x12x(2x6kg)

5. leg press 4x12x70kg +
6. leg curl 4x10x15kg
7. leg raises on roman chair 4x15

8. lat push down on knees with ropes 4x12+
9. overhead triceps extension with a plate 4x12x10kg

10. dumbbell biceps curls 4x12x(2x8kg)+
11. weighted sit ups 4x12 +10kg


Sleep 23.00-7.15 I woke up once but fine
Calories 2,135kcal
carbs 195g fat 98g protein 122g

Gym workout
super sets

1. bench press 4x12x37,5kg legs on te bench
2. dumbbell RDL 4x12x(2x22,5kg)

3. lat pulldown 4x12x25 +
4. alternating reverse lunges 4x20x22,5kg (10 reps each leg)

5. plate loaded seated row machine chest support 4x12x30kg each arm
6. overhead press 4x12x22,5kg

7. abductor machine 4x15-20 +
8. lateral raises with plates 15-15-12-12x (2x5kg)

9. leg extensions 4x12 +
10. single leg curls 12-12-10-10x5kg each leg

I felt great. The past week I felt my muscles very toned and great muscle-mind connection.


Calories 2,344kcal
carbs 275g fat 93g protein 143g
Rest day.

Calories 2,177kcal
carbs 294g fat 55g protein 144g

Gym workout
super sets

1. leg press 4x12x70kg +
2. smith machine overhead press on knees 4x12 no added weight

3. back squats 4x12x37,5kg +
4. lat push down on knees 4x10

5. lat pulldown 4x12x25 +
6. cable lateral raises 4x12

7. RDL 4x12x47,5kg+
8. triceps push down 4x12

9. leg raises on roman chair 4x12-15
10. pec deck straight arms 4x12 +

Sleep 22.30-6.45
carbs 232g fat 48g protein 111g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.45-7.30
Calories 2,407kcal
carbs 316g fat 68g protein 130g

Gym workout
super sets

1. overhead press 4x12x22,5kg
2. alternating reverse lunges 4x20x27,5kg (10reps eachy leg) +

3. pull ups neutral grip 10-10 /revese grip 7-7 +
4. leg press 4x12x70kg

5. pec deck straight arms 4x12 +
6. leg curls 4x12x15kg +2 kg light dumbbell

7. low row close grip 4x12 +
8. kettlebell b-stance RDL 4x12x(2x16kg)

9. triceps push down reverse grip 4x12 +
10. incline dumbbell biceps curls 4x10x(2x8kg)

11. ab slider 4x15 +10kg added +
12. abductor 4x15-20


Sleep 23.00-7.00 may be
carbs 210g fat 47g protein 163g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-7.15 But Not great. I woke up for an hour of overthinking.
Calories 2,260kcal
carbs 200g fat 75g protein 140g

Gym workout
super sets

1. lat pulldown reverse close grip 4x12x25 +
2. dumbbell RDL 4x12x(2x22,5kg)

3. pec dec straight arms flyes 4x12 +
4. leg press 4x12x65kg

5. lateral raises with plates 4x15x(2x5kg) +
6. reverse lunges on smith machine 4x8 +5kg added

7. lat push down on knees 4x10-12+
8. sissy squats 2x12 normal 2x10 deficit - on stepper

Beautiful Tombul Mosque, build between 1740 and 1744


Sleep 00.30-6.30 Pfff
Calories 2,800kcal
carbs 228g fat 124g proteon 196g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-7.30
Calories 2,330kcal
carbs 287g fat 66g protein 137 g

Gym workout
super sets

1. back squats 4x12x37,5kg+
2. incline dumbbell bench pess 4x12x(2x15kg)

3. lat pulldown wide neutral grip 4x12x21.25 +
4. overhead press 4x12x22,5kg

5. RDL 15-12-12-12x47,5kg+
6. triceps push dawn 4x12

7. lateral dumbbell raises 4x15x(2x6kg) +
8. bent over row reverse grip body paralel to the floor 4x12x27,5kg

9. leg curls 4x12x15kg+
10. leg raises on roman chair 4x12-15


Calories 2,035kcal
carbs 218g fat 76g protein 120g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-8.15 I woke up once or twice
Calories 2,216kcal
carbs 212g fat 103g protein 119g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-7.15 same
Calories 1,981kcal
carbs 168g fat 94g protein 114g

Gym workout
super sets

1. lat push down with ropes on knees 4x12 +
2. overhead press 4x8x22,5kg

3. leg press 4x12x60kg +
4. leg curls 12-12-10-8x15kg

5. pullups hollow body neutral grip 4x5 +
6. lateral cable raises 4x10

7. leg extensions 4x12 +
8. abductor machine 4x20-25


Sleep 23.30-7.30
Calories 2,705kcal
carbs 250g fat 106g protein 146g

I ate some BBQ in my friend’s home.

Gym workout
super sets

1. lat pulldown 4x12x40kg +
2. incline dumbbell bench press 4x12x(2x15kg )

3. alternating reverse lunges 4x20x27,5kg (10reps each leg)
4. dumbbell shoulder press 4x12x(2x10kg)

5. low row close grip 4x12 +
6. triceps push down with ropes 4x12

7. kettlebell b-stance RDL 4x12x(2x15kg) each leg +
8. BW sissy squats 4x10

9. dumbbell biceps curls 4x10x(2x8kg) +
10. straight leg raises on roman chair 4x12


Sleep 23.45-7.15
Calories 1,935kcal
carbs 198g fat 55g protein 155g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.45-7.15
Calories 2,395kcal
carbs 249g fat 78g protein 159g

Gym workout
super sets

1. leg extensions 4x12 +
2. leg curls 4x12x15kg

3. low row 4x12x40kg +
4. bench press 4x8x42,5kg

5. back squats 4x12x37,5kg +
6. single arm lateral dumbbell raises leaning 4x12x7kg

7. RDL 4x12x47,5kg +
8. lat pulldown 4x12x25

9. lying dumbbell triceps extensions 4x10x(2x7kg) +
10. dumbbell biceps curls 4x12x(2x7kg)


Sleep 23.45-7.15
Calories 2,023kcal
carbs 256g fat 49g protein 131g

My upper body hurt.

Gym workout
super sets

1. lat pulldown reverse narrow grip 4x15x21,25 +
2. dumbbell shoulder press 4x12x(2x10kg)

3. leg press 4x12x70kg+
4. rare delt machine flyes 4x15

5. squats with a dumbbell between legs 4x10x33kg +
6. dumbbell upright row 4x10-12x(2x7kg)

7. good morning 4x10x27,5kg +
8. lat pushdown on knees 4x10-12


Sleep 22.00-7.45 Great.
Rest day.

Sleep 23.45-7.45
Calories 2,287kcal
carbs 283g fat 68g protein 153g

Gym workout
super sets

1. alternating reverse lunges 4x20x27,5kg (10 reps each leg) +
2. overhead press 4x7x27,5kg

3. leg press 4x12x60kg +
4. lat pulldow 4x12x25

5. single leg curls 4x12x5kg +
6. straight arm chest fly machine 4x12

7. low row straight handle shoulder wide 4x12 +
8. triceps push down 2x12/overheadtriceps extension with a plate 4x8x15kg

9. dumbbell RDL 4x12x(2x22,5kg) +
10. lateral dumbbell raises 4x12x(2x7kg)

My butt hurt so much today :fire: :fire:


Sleep 23.45-7.15 + 17.45-18.45 a nap
Calories 2,086kcal
carbs 230g fat 72g protein 155g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.45-6.15
Calories 1,978kcal
carbs 245g fat 70g protein 114g

My upper body hurt.

Gym workout
super sets

1. pull ups neutral grip 4x5 +
2. leg press 4x12x70kg

3. dumbbell RDL 4x12x(2x22,5kg) +
4. dumbbell shoulder press 4x12x(2x10kg)

5.lat push down 4x12 +
6. uprighjt row with a plate 4x12x15kg

7. good morning 4x12x27,5kg +
8. BW sissy squats 4x12

9. rare delt fly machine 4x12 +
10. straight leg raises on roman chair 4x12


Sleep 23.45-6,45
Calories 2,149 kcal
carbs 278g fat 70g protein 127g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-7.15
Calories 2,298kcal
carbs 259g fat 78g protein 139g

Gym workout
super sets

1. lat pull down neutral grip 4x12x25 +
2. incline dumbbell bench press 12-12-10-10x(2x15kg)

3. back squats 4x12x37,5kg +
4. lateral dumbbell raises 4x12x(2x7kg)

5. kettlebell b-stance RDL 4x12x(2x16kg) each leg +
6. low row close grip 4x15x30kg

7. leg press 4x12x70kg +
8. upright row on smith machine 4x12 no added weight

9. ab slider 3x12-15 +10kg +
10. abductor machine 3x20+


Happy birthday!


happy birthday

1 Like

Sleep 23.30-7.15
Calories 2900 kcal
Carbs 300 g fat 125 g protein 145g
Rest day.

Calories 2400kcal
carbs 203g fat 127 g protein 127g

Gym workout. 40 min in a hurry
Super sets

  1. RDL 4x12x52,5kg+

  2. Dumbbell shoulder press 4x8x12.5kg

  3. Lat pulldown 4x12x25+

  4. Plate loaded upper chest press machine 4x12x(2x17.5kg)

  5. Alternating Reverse lunges 4x20x27.5kg +

  6. Lateral cable raises 4x12

  7. Leg extension 4x12+

  8. Leg curls 4x12x15kg


Sleep 23.00-7.30
Calories 2,260kcal
carbs 187g fat 88g protein 131g
Rest day.

Sleep 23.30-6.45
Calories 2,518kcal
carbs 302g fat 109g protein 124g too much bread and fruits
Rest day.

Sleep 00.00-8.15
Calories 1,836kcal
carbs 215g fat 67g protein 90g

Gym workout
super sets

1. pull ups neutral grip hollow body 4x5 +
2. overhead press 4x10x22,5kg

3. ATG back squats 4x10x37,5kg +
4. lateral cable raises leaning 4x10 each arm

5. lat pulldown reverse grip 15-15-12-12x21,25
6. triceps push down 15-12-12-12

7. leg press 4x12x60kg +
8. single leg curls 4x10x5kg each leg

9. seated calf raises 4x15 +15kg +
10. ab slider 4x15 +5kg